
Did anyone actually get the ending of the film "Cloverfield"?

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I was that miffed at the ending, no explanation of wot or who or where or how this thing got there!!! Or did I miss sommat??? x*x




  1. It does show how the monster came to Earth. When it shows him and the chick going to Coney Island, you can clearly see something on fire falling from the sky into the ocean.

    But, the movie did suck big time.

  2. The abrupt ending was kind of the point. Though many people were upset by this you were supposed to be left guessing what happened to the main characters. Though you are to know that humankind remains, being that the video is being played in the first place. I thought it was a decent movie and liked the ending, and am excited for the sequel where a second movie is being taped on the same day, and the characters of both movies intersect at a certain point (in the first one you can see another person with a camera on the bridge scene).

  3. Yeah I think that was the point, it was meant to be that what you were watching was a tape from someone's personal handheld camera. What you see is what you get and that's all that you get.

    I was a bit disappointed but it seems to be very common for movies to  end these days with the viewer left hanging.

    That being said the movie was certainly watchable. My wife had a hard time getting into it at first, it was very slow at first, but it did pick up and it did have some intense action for a while.

  4. There was no explanation whatsoever.. and thats because.. the movie sucked! (sorry to disappoint you)  

  5. I think they were basically saying the world was ending

  6. I'm right there with you, I didn't get it either. It just sort of...ends...endings like that make me mad, but oh well, the movie was still pretty good.

  7. dont worry i didnt get the ending as well. but i thought it was a good change from those boring movies who always end with everyone being happy.. not to sound negative thought

  8. whats to get? theres a big monster whos killing everyone and these people are filming it and they die.

    if your looking for an explanation of how the monster was there however read this.

    at the end when the two main characters are shown in the fairground you can see in the background something hitting the water. this is a satalite from space that had fell out of orbit and crash landed in the sea where the monster was laying dormant, however this satelite woke it up.  

    the writers have also said this was just a baby, so im guessing we will find out more in the sequel and possibly see a bigger monster.

    you can read my review of cloverfield here

    it may clear somethings up for you.

    hope that helps!

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