
Did anyone as a child ever want to be a CAT?

by Guest65034  |  earlier

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I was always obsessed with animals, especially cats. I wasnt allowed a cat, so i would chase the neighbours cats, and hold and pet them. I then i would put lip stick accross my face for whiskers and attach triangular paper to my headbands to make cats ears. I would go out in public like this, and when at home i would crawl on the floor and meow like a cat, and try to convince my parents that i was one I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED TO BE A CAT. this lasted from the age of 5 or 6 to about 10.

(this is not a joke)

Did anyone else out there ever want to be a cat? or any other animal for that matter?

please reply seriously. i'd really like to know if i was the only one or not. thanks




  1. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a cat. I still do but I don't do stuff like that anymore. When I was younger I always crawled around meowing :3.

  2. there was some girl in my 5th grade class who wanted to be a cat. now theres this girl at my highschool that wears cat ears and pins on a tail and hisses at people. it isnt cute at all.

  3. yes, I wanted to be a cat. I used to eat dry cat food when I was four. Don't go get crazy plastic surgery to look like a cat. I would recommend adopting a cat or voluteering at the animal shelter. I think that is real fun...sometimes gross to clean the cages, but you get to pet lots of cats and dogs!

  4. looll aww thats really cute

    my little brother was very similar at the same age. he was very intrested in prehistoric animals, and still is. he would prowl around pretending anyone nearby was prey he could pounce on, growling and jumping around. it was quite cute and entertaining to watch. when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up he would reply "a sabre-toothed tiger", as this was his favourite of the big cats lol. so dont worry, ur not the only one.

  5. haha..yeah when i was really young like 6 or 7 but the again i alwayz wanted to be a bird because i wanted to know what it felt like to fly.

  6. see a doctor

  7. yes! I did too! the realization that it was never going to happen hit me around 7 years old though.

  8. That is so adorable! I baby-sit a little 6 year old who is like in love with cats! I mean she has all these stuffed animal cats and all these kitty books and she meows and also pretends she is one! She tells me to tell my kitty that she says hello and I love you! She also crawls on the floor and pretend she is a baby cat! Unfortunately her dad is allergic to cats, so that's the reason why she doesn't have one. I, on the other hand, was born into a family with 2 cats! I would chase them around the house, pet them, and played with them! I wasn't really obsessed though.

  9. Man, seriously I wanna be a cat now. They can climb where ever they want, and jump really far, plus they are super cute and soft. Never obsesive though. No joking I really was thinking today about how awesome it would be to be a cat.  

  10. lol use to pretend i was a dog but i never went out in public like it and i had 2 dogs at the time but only lasted till i was 3 or 4 but i would lv to be an animal but not a dog a fox cos there my fav animal  

  11. Nope, I wanted to be a horse. I ran around galloping like a horse and pretended to graze and would tie a scarf to my back belt loop to make a tail. All my friends and I used to play "horse" at recess. I think it's pretty normal for an imaginative child.

  12. lol no

  13. no I never wanted to be a cat.But I have always wanted to be an animal(not sure what kind)for 1 whole week.just to see how it feels and to see from their eyes.thank you :)

  14. I want to be a cat now.  

  15. no but i love to be a dog now and chase off the dogs who keep chasing my cats,and killed my 17 year old cat 5 mths ago..

  16. I didnt but I always wanted a cat as a kid, now I have cats and I love them

  17. always thought cats had it made someone to feed them pet them care for their every need but never really wanted to be any animal

  18. Yeah i did two, I have always been obsessed with animals i used to refuse to go to someones house when i was a kid unless they had animals but I really wanted to be a cat i would ask my mum to put milk into a saucer and lap it up like a cat and prefect the 'meow ' so all the neighbours cats would come to me, my mum thought i was meant to be a cat :) I dont want to be a cat now though there are far two many bad humans around, I do still love anything to do with cats though weather its a top or ornament, i love my cats soooo much there spoiled, Im glad im not the only child who thought she was a cat, Katie.

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