
Did anyone else catch that?

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Tony Stewart taking responsibility for wrecking Sadler?

Tony Stewart taking responsibility for anything??





  1. AAWWW, thanks AZ_Goddess!  It's a good word for what these guys both projected, don't you think?  Tony and Denny I mean.

    But I did rewind to hear Tony's comments again...and YES, he was absolutely being sarcastic with the "I should know better than to be anywhere near Sadler.  If I'm within a half lap of him, I expect that to happen."  That was absolutely him being "Tony" - but I also think he took blame as well, with the "I hit him and caused all of that backup on the track".

    So I think he was being Tony and surprisingly apologetic!

    Denny's was a bit of both too I guess.  He absolutely said he felt bad for "piling in there way late!" but then he added his "Not my fault, never my fault" with the "cars don't stop the way they used to".

    What I really love (ok, I really hate it!) is when "Hard racing" is the explanation out of their mouths (pick your driver...ha!) but when they are taken out by someone else, it's their fault not just "Hard racing"!!  THAT is the double standard that these guys put out there and what I have a problem with.  It's not hatred of a certain's their double standard!

  2. good for tony!! it takes a real man to own up to a situation like that!!

  3. He was being sarcastic or fesicious(however you spell it).  Sheesh.

  4. sarcasm reigns supreme today - better that than bitterness i guess...

  5. He was being sarcastic...!!!

  6. He was being a smart butt.  He said he should race within a half lap of Sadler because that is too close.  He is still mad because they tangled a few weeks ago at Darlington.

  7. It looked like Sadler came down on the car below him

    Tony (and all the rest) got caught up in the wreck,

    hard for them to see because they were coming out of the corner

    What was Hamlin thinking?

    the rest of the cars in front of him slowed down?

    Why was he still going that fast,

    he was well behind the wreck

    Or did his spotter not tell him?

  8. I don't think Tony was being facetious. I think he was being real. I think he is taking the blame for making the wreck worse than it originally was. However, I don't think he needs to be so "contrite," to use another poster's word (Great word, by the way. I'm a high school english teacher. :-) ) I think that there was more than one driver who should be taking the blame, including Denny and Kevin; however, we know that Denny is blaming the COT.

  9. I agree with jaynarie.

  10. I'm not hating on Tony, but seriously, he was being sarcastic. Listen again, he was saying that he takes 100 percent responsibility for racing anywhere NEAR Elliot Sadler, and he shouldn't race within 1/2 a lap of him.

    Yikes Tony.....

  11. Agree Hawk M

    I wish they would have shown the replay from Denny's in car camera... then we could have heard when his spotter alerted him vs. when he checked up (which it didn't look like he did).  He said that he got on the brakes as soon as he knew there was a problem but I don't believe that.... Jr. locked his up and got slowed up enough to get around Tony until Denny came barreling in....  I know he couldn't see coming out of turn 2, so I'd like to know what his spotter told him.  Also wrecked cars at this track have a tendency to fall to the bottom of the track, so maybe he just though it wouldn't still be there by the time he got there.  Just unfortunate for a lot of guys today.

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