
Did anyone else feel like this?

by Guest33147  |  earlier

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i have just had my second child and i have feelings of not wanting to leave my children alone not even with their father who i trust i dont want to go out at all i just want to stay home with my kids,whenever anyone mentions babysitting i refuse straight away could this be postnatal depression? i didnt have this with my first so im not sure what it is or what i should do




  1. it could be PPD. i felt like you when my daughter was born, however i allowed others to take her as i felt so down and was so glad of an hour on my own, but i was constantly calling them. i was prescribed fluoxetine at 10mos post partum, as it took me 10mos to admit i had a problem. dont leave iy as long as i did, there is no shame in admitting you are struggling.

  2. I felt that way. Maybe not as bad... I had a hard time leaving him at all, even with my husband. Just because I am so particular and want things done 'my way' It got a little easier as my baby got older. I had to go back to work when he was 2 months old... That was hard, but it forced me to loosen the strings a little.

  3. I'm a bit like this (although I'm happy to leave him with his dad or my mum for a little while).  For me, it's more because with my first I was inexperienced and spent most of the time feeling useless.  This time around I'm much more confident so I want to make the most of it!

    I went back to work when my daughter was 3 months old and missed so much, so I want to stay home with my son so I'm the one who gets to see his milestones - not my mum.

    Have a chat to your GP about it and see what he/she thinks.  It's possible that it could be PPD, but it may just be you enjoy being around your baby and don't want anyone else hogging the fun!

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