
Did anyone else feel like this when they were overdue?

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I know its only been 3 day since my due date was suppose to be here but...I'm so upset and kinda depressed! I really wanna hold my baby! And it doesnt help that my friends from out of state keep asking if I have had him! haha! should I talk to my doctor about being so darn upset or is it a normal feeling when your overdue??




  1. This could be a sign of post-partum depression coming on. It happens to alot of new moms, due to the inbalance of hormones pregnancy causes. Just try to focus on the fact that in no time you'll be holding in your hands what you've waited for all year!!!  

  2. It is completely normal.  I was a week overdue with my first and my third and I felt the same way.  Everytime I went somewhere, people would ask "You havent had that baby yet?"  The day before my last was born I quipped back "obviously not" of course i apologized to that person afterwards but I was over it :)

    You can talk to your doctor but I wouldnt get induced at least until you are a week overdue.. some doctors like to wait 2 weeks.  Getting induced can make labor a lot harder and can put unneeded stree on you and the baby.

    You will be so excited (mixed with nervousness and not being able to believe its actually happening) when you start having regular contractions!  I'm excited for you, only a few more days!


    EDIT:  I know walking, s*x etc is suppose to help induce labor but with my third I relaxed because I knew that I wouldn't be able to after he was born - but I also had a 10 year old and a 2 year old to take care of.

  3. way normal

  4. The answer is both - it is TOTALLY normal and you should talk to your doctor. Any time during pregnancy that you are feeling so upset you should feel comfortable sharing your feelings with your doctor. If you're that upset he or she may be able to give you some ways to calm yourself down.  

  5. This is soooooooooooooo normal. I was late with both of my first pregnancies. It is not fun. The good news is that you can go into labor at any minute. It's going to happen. He won't stay in there forever. If you really can't take it anymore ask them to induce you. I wish you a lot of luck! Keep being patient. You'll be holding your little one before you know it.  

  6. Totally normal!  I was so PMS-y when I was overdue with my daughter.  Just do what you can to endure these last few days.  It really will be over before you know it :)  If you can, do something fun - go to a movie or something that will be hard to do once baby is here, right now it is all about passing the time without going nuts.

  7. Oh gawd... I went 4 days overdue and that was enough.  I remember saying "If the baby needs longer, that's fine" on the first day I was overdue, and by the third I was angry... my everything hurt and I just wanted the baby out.

    Of course it's normal.  You're carrying a 40+ pound weight around and you've paid your dues... it's time for a baby!  I don't think you need to bother the doc about it.

    Good luck, it's an exciting time!  You'll miss being pregnant...

  8. was ur due date aug.26? that was mine and i cryed almost all day yesterday. i feel the same way i'm going to the doctors tomorrow to see what she says but i just think God knows when the babies are ready or not. Theres only 5% chance women ever have there babies on the due date. so really and i'm also having contractions but they arent so often. just take it easy pamper yourself the most you can and rest. i feel like the baby is going to pop shes so strong in there. i wish you the best of luck and hope you have your baby soon! God Bless!

  9. Totally normal!  Just try to relax and remember...once they come out you can't put them back in, lol!!

  10. My daughter came on the 3rd day she was overdue and I was annoyed because everyone else had already had all had their babies and they were due after me and I was anxious and depressed cause I just wanted the waiting to be over and hold her and start my 'new life' so to speak, so don't worry too much, it's quite normal I think. It might sound stupid but the day I had my daughter I had been holding my stomach all day telling her that this was the day she was coming out because I was ready and I was sick of waiting and she'd better hurry up and get ready to come out, and that night, she made her move, finally!! Obviously a coincidence but hey, it made me feel good.

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