
Did anyone else feel that Earthquake?!?

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I live in kentucky, and just woke up like 10 mins ago to my trailer shaking! my grandmother in southern Indiana felt it to!

This is the first earthquake I have ever felt in my entire life, so this is kind of a big deal to me lol




  1. i felt it to

    i'm in southern michigan.

    i was in a nice deep sleep

    and BAM


    it was my first eathquake too

  2. Sure did feel it here.  I live west of Indianapolis and it woke me and my husband up from our sleep.  It's not my first but I think the strongest I have ever felt..

  3. I live in Louisville KY and I felt the whole house shake and the vibration of the bed woke me up.  This was at 5:42 AM.  Couldn't believe it!

  4. Looks like it was a 5.4 quake that occurred about 6 miles from West Salem, Illinois at about 4:37 A.M. CDT.


  6. we just felt our entire house vibrate here in bloomington , in

    like 5 seconds, it took me a long time to convince my brother it was actually a tremor

  7. No, and im California earthquake center, lol.

  8. Yes.  The quake was felt in Iowa City Iowa.  I have a home that is about 20 feet from the flooding Iowa River and I really felt the tremor.  In fact it woke me up.  I felt it at 4:41 or 4:42 CDT and it lasted about 20 seconds.  The bed really shook.  Nothing fell off shelves and I do not see any wall or ceiling cracks inside the house.  I have not checked the outside of the house.  I am 66 years old and this is my FIRST earthquake!    JJW

  9. Felt it in St. Louis and son called in Il, he felt it also, house shook and blinds also. His dogs went nuts!

  10. There were about a dozen of us in studio (big architecture project) in Oxford Ohio and we all felt it too!

  11. I did. Very weird, haven't felt one in years. It lasted pretty long, too. My Doberman shot up from the couch like a rocket.

    Crazy times here in Louisville. When I moved here, I never knew the weather would be so insane.

  12. I live in kentucky and felt it also around 5:39

  13. Felt in Eastern Iowa, second one I have felt in my lifetime in the Midwest.

  14. Wow, an earthquake in the interesting.  Here's a U.S. earthquake site where you can actually report this quake:

  15. Infact there was a earthquake this morning in Illinois.  I live in the suburbs of Chicago.  I didn't feel it myself but my bird woke me up about that time panicking in his cage because he woke up in panic and was flying around his cage.  Visit to view more on it.

  16. No, I'm a little too far away down here in Louisiana.  I'll have to check it out on CNN this morning.

  17. I live here in Indianapolis and I definitely felt it!  My first earthquake too...scary!

  18. no i didnt i  live near kentcky but not in it. thats kinda scary... ive never felt an earthquake before. i hope you r ok.

  19. h**l YEA... CR IA... FELT IT HEAVY FOR 20-30 secs

  20. Yup, I live right outside of Louisville and I felt it too.

    It was very scary to me too.

    Us Kentucky folk aren't used to such a thing!

  21. Leitchfield Ky. and we all felt it

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