
Did anyone else feel tonight was a slap in the face to McCain?

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She got enthusiasm from REPUBLICANS. John McCain might have attracted undecided or independent voters but not with that wacko Sarah Palin by his side. I can't stand her.




  1. they would rather her than him.

    After all she has more executive experience than both Biden and technically by there defination than by McCain

  2. It's the mccain/PALIN campaign now, and she's still being told how the country works.

    Oh, he's telling the POW story. I do hope people didn't really have a drinking game about that tonight.

  3. I noticed that too. I mean wow...but I love it. They love his VP but still hate him. Compare that to the Dems convention...All I heard was applause and cheering for Palin when she was mentioned plus some USA chants. Never much enthusasium about the candidate. I am watching his speech and he's pretty boring and still no concrete plans to revive the economy...

  4. I think that the excitement comes from the fact that she blew everyone away after the media pretty much dismissed her as a joke.  

  5. Um, the only slap in face that I saw was last night.

    Republicans claim to be all pro-female these days, yet when Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina took the stage, the crowd completely ignored them, coudn't be bothered to even listen to what they had to say, and continued talking as if they weren't even there.

    The CNN anchors compared it to "a teacher trying to talk over a noisy classroom".

  6. I don't like Mccain but i would rather see him in office before that w***e.

  7. they are all phonies

  8. Well to be honest is I wanted to vote for none of the above.  But after his choice of VP I was supprised and learned more about McCain and I am going to vote for him.  

    Sarah I like her values as a mom, working mom, and Christian.  I loved that she gave up the plane that was there for her use as governor and giving up of the chief.  Tell congress no on the bridge to no where. I like how she keep her baby even though he has down syndrome.  That her kids went to regular school and she has a house payment.  She is pro gun.  

  9. you know you are right !!!!!!

    Obama/Biden '08 !!!!!

  10. Palin's a milf


  11. John McCain had always been a moderate in a political party that swung way too far to the right and abandoned it's middle-class, moderate roots.

    McCain hates the 'agents of intolerance' conservatives that hi-jacked the party and, understandably, they hate him. He's smart enough to know that the average religious conservative is easily lied to by the Bush/Rove types to win their votes while stealing their money and McCain is honorable enough to refuse to be just another crook disguising himself as another bible-thumping politician while stealing from us.

    Sarah Palin is just another Republican opportunist, as fake as they come.

    At least McCain is the real deal. Most conservatives are too blinded or too dumb or too foolish to know the difference.

  12. I don' t think you are watching the speech.  He's still on and going strong.  They are very enthusiastic for him.  I don't think we are watching the same convention.  

  13. I don't think so..... everyone has known about McCain and what he stands for for a while now.

    As for Palin she is brand new and still very hot in the news so I think everyone is still pretty excited about her.  

  14. Cost? Everyone is psyched about her, yeah she's getting more attention but wouldn't that make him GAIN the presidency just so the people could have Palin?

  15. One thing that makes me think its weird, between McCain and Palin...last night, men were wearing pens on there jackets that said "Im voting for the HOT CHICK" with her picture on the pen.

    Why did the campaign allow that..thats not professional. Ive heard and read many remarks on that also. Do they not realize that hurt them also??

    Yes, its beginning to look like a race between Palin and Obama.

    Palin is arogant, and trying to steal the thunder from McCain, she is critizing Barrack Obama, terribly. She is trying to be the spotlight.

    yes he messed up choosing her.

    She and he will cost them the election..

    Thats why Im proud to say...I dont have to worry about it..

    Im a democrat..

    Obama 08

  16. What's the difference between Sarah Palin and d**k Cheney? One wears lipstick.

    Obama-Biden 08!

  17. Lose his election? She is HELPING  McCain win by a long shot. They want a woman in office, and McCain is a POW. She's great...did you know she had more votes for governor then Biden had for president?! Hahah.

  18. I'd rather vote for John Cleese and Michael Palin than John McCain and Sarah Palin.

  19. No i think he received a very warm welcome and the crowd was really happy and enthusiastic to see him come out to speak .

  20. u r right

  21. I believe he and her will cost each other the election

  22. Everyone on talk radio today was saying how tonight was going to be mostly about Sarah.

  23. i love it! way to go...thanks for the 2 points

  24. well, i think mcCain didnt thought of that in the first place.. i think he even chose palin to kind of hide his own inability, by choosing a lesser intellectual than he is.. that way, the ppl's focus will not be on his weakness but on palin's.  so there goes the crowd.

  25. We can't help but compare Obama's brilliant world-class speech to poor old McCain!  Holy Cow.  Why would the republicans have backed a used up old guy like him???  

  26. Yeah it seems like the GOP is trying to counter the Democrats "change" by proving they're willing to put someone other than a white male in the national spotlight.

    McCain is just a place holder. This is all a charade.

  27. We have heard him before.  Everyone was excited about hearing this new, young VP that is about to make history.

  28. The Neocons think he's going to bite the dust soon and she'll take over.

  29. Picking her could have cost him the election, if he ever stood a chance.  But his hand was forced, and that's real bad because his actions as president would similarly be manipulated.

  30. these people make me angry

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