
Did anyone else have a connection problem on this weeks RAW?

by Guest63843  |  earlier

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like, no picture for the first minute, no sound, then they recorrected the visual, and audio crackling, then audio returned before Punk came out?

is it just my Virgin Media or is it everyone elses and on SKY too?

im hoping to get rid of Virgin Media y'see. its a boycott of all Richard Branson branded products.

they ****** up my order on WM24, got nothing when it was live, then they said i ordered it FOUR times, so i had to pay over 60 pounds before they refunded me and i had to watch the repeats.




  1. Yep i've got friends using Sky who had the same problem with the picture that went black at the start apparently.Then it flickered on and off with just a buzzy crackling sound just before it righted itself before Punk came out.I've read a lot about Virgin and WWE pay per views where the event is ordered and then you can't get to see the live streaming.

  2. no this did nto happen to me

    but i have dish so i dno

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