
Did anyone else have a problem making 'Real Friends'?

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It always seems like I can never make 'real friends'!

I can meet anyone and they want to be my friend, but they only want to be my friend because they here about the things I have.

I'm a really quiet girl, and I kinda have a lot things. You know everything everyone wants.

I don't really talk about myself a lot because I want someone to like me for me and not my stuff! And when it seems like I made a 'real friend' they obviously here about me and then ask me about everything!

I don't need or want all the things I have, just since my mom passed away my dad buys me everything. I guess he feels like since he's never home, he has to buy me everything that comes out. I have more than anyone could ever need!

I only have one good friend. He understand since his mom passed away too. We hang out a lot, and talk about stuff. But I want a girl friend too. I tried having girls over and they just turn out to wanting to see my room, go in the pool, or see the other things I have.

Any advice?

Has anyone else ever have trouble making friends?




  1. me too. it seems i have a tendency to choose backstabbing friends. :[

    don't tell anyone about the nice things like your room & pool so they won't like you just for that. & don't invite them over unless you're good friends b.c my parents remember every single person i bring over, & it breaks my heart when they're like, is so & so gonna come over again, & i say they're not my friend anymore. :[

    but i mean, if you get a new iPhone of somethin, you can still brag. ;]

  2. i still have a hard time making friends. but its not because of what i have cuz, i don't have much that anyone would want... i just can never seem to make friends. but im sure not EVERY girl just likes you for what you have. they may just not have that stuff and be kind of excited about it and what to see it. like with the pool, they probably don't have one or don't get to go swimming that much. so just try t figure out which ones like you for your stuff, and which ones are just excited about what you have but still actually like you. thats all the advice i have.

  3. This is kind of hard. But you seem sincere and not just a materialistic b*tch. So I would look for friends that don't care what you have. Or donate the stuff you don't want to a charity in your area. Seek out sincere people like yourself and try to stay away from the "in crowd" or you will never find real friends. Find shy quiet people that look like they need friends as much as you do. Those are the ones that will stick by you.

  4. Hun, I'm 24 and still struggle making friends.

    First of all, talk to your dad when you get a chance. it mighten be easy but talk to him and tell him about the whole gift things when you dont need them all. Just having his love will be enough.

    As for the friends thing, its hard to say.  Just be yourself. I know its hard but just have faith. Depending on what your social status is, try a new sport or after school avtivity that gets you to meet new people, and go from there.

    Good luck :)

  5. just say hi to ppl!  

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