
Did anyone else hear some dude found sasquatch?

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I heard that someone found the body of a sasquatch and will be haveing a press conference tommorow on fox at 10:30




  1. i heard someone a cop i think was going to reveal it to the media  on 8-8-08 but haven't heard anymore this was 2 weeks ago i heard it.

  2. Suure, And I found Elvis Presley under my bed this morning. And he sang to me, "Hound Dog". Suure! RIDICULOUS AND PHONY BALONY! Big Foot only exist in the imagination of the idiots who write the stories for one thing: MONEY!

  3. If the body of sasquatch was found, there would be news coverage on it within an hour of the body being found, not the next day! !


    well i looked it up, and this is what i found

  5. In all of the years that man-kind has been searching man-kind has never found a dead body of a big-foot.... Now we have run into plenty of live ones but never a dead one........................................

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