
Did anyone else here about gas prices going up to $7.00/gallon by summer of 2009???

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Did anyone else here about gas prices going up to $7.00/gallon by summer of 2009???




  1. Here in UK we buy it by the litre, £1.19 per litre --  the very unpopular Euro ruling  --  

    You are lucky in USA, here in UK petrol/diesel is already £4.45 which is about $9 dollars a  gallon.

    And nobody does anything about it only moan!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes I know its all about The Hurricane Kenneth Hitting Houston on Sept, 11 2009, plus Al Qaeda Rebels attack our Friends in Saudi Arabia going since July 4, 2009 both Hitting Oil Refineries there, plus our Fixed Incomes not keeping with Supply and Demand will actually Mean will we have to pay $7.15/Gallon at the Pump, nobody can drive and The Next Great Depression you guys are talking about well it will be a Reality when the Economy will be Stopped Completely how will live Elovue  Now, That means we have hit Our Dark Point Its coming we better Prepare for the worse.

  3. Gas has been going up without any justification in the US, they finally got tired of giving BS excuses why they were raising it.

    The supply and demand rule does not apply to gasoline anymore, the US demand for it has gone down, yet it still rises. We need to drill for our own oil, modern technology minimizes the impact on the wildlife and vegetation now.

    How much damage has the environment occurred from oil spills from tankers and such transporting the stuff around?


    Cars in the UK for years have been more fuel efficient than American autos even the cars that are like models in the US and UK. I have seen for myself that the carburetion system on UK cars are more efficient.

  4. It might and it might not but one thing for certain, nobody on YA (or anywhere else in the world) can tell you.  

    Gas prices are impacted by supply and demand.   A slowdown in the economy will reduce demand and have a lowering impact as will an increase in supply (like finding a large oil deposit).

    Every little thing that each of us do to reduce usage and/or using alternative sources of power will help keep prices lower.

  5. I heard by the end of this year

    I am gonna need a hybrid car or learn to ride a bicycle

  6. I heard Goldman Sachs estimated 6 dollars by summer 2010.  In 2006 they estimated 4 dollars by summer 2008.

  7. wouldnt that be speculation

  8. I heard 5 or 6

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