
Did anyone else love Jacob Black's perspective?

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This might be just because I am male (I happen to like the series, actually), but I think the book devoted to Jacob in "Breaking Dawn" was extremely well done. It not only gave us a whole new perspective, but I just thought it was amazing they way his mind worked and how he thought of Edward and everybody else.




  1. Yeah, it was refreshing to see from Jake's point of view. That may be only because I'm a 80% Jacob fan, but still. He cracks me up.

    Go team switzerland!!

  2. I think I would have liked that part better if I didn't have to keep hearing about what a martyr Bella was and how tortured Edward looked.  I got bored with that bit.  I enjoyed the parts where he was all wolfy and talking to Leah though.  

    I think this was a faulty device to use in this part of the book though.  We were separated from Bella, and we couldn't understand the bond she felt for the thing growing inside her.  We weren't with her when we needed to be with her the most.  When we went back to her perspective, I felt like something was lost.  I didn't have the same connection I felt for her before.

  3. Jacobs POV was my favorite part of my book

    i loved how much humor there was (aka the chapter titles and the blonde jokes) and i've always like Jacob.

    i really loved that part of the book

  4. I love jacob way over Edward.

  5. I personally didn't like it. I'm not a Team Jacob fan so that's probably why. I guess if I was Team Jacob fan then I would like it. Don't get me wrong, I love how Stephenie Meyer wrote it but I just think I would have liked it even better if it were told from Bella's point of view for the whole book. I wouldn't have minded Edward's point of view though....=]

  6. it really was great to see things form Jacob's perspective. It gave him more character and made him easier to relate to.

  7. I dont really like Jacob, but I agree 100% that it was a good change of perspective for the book. I helped me understand more of what it was like for him.

  8. I actually completely agree with you. Before Breaking Dawn, I have always been for TEAM EDWARD! But, now I am proud to say I'm team Switzerland, I think thats because of how I got to see his mind work, and he really does love Bella. And then he falls in love with Nessie! Yay! I'm happy that he imprinted. Well, basically I totally agree! I LOVED BEING INSIDE JACOB'S MIND! :) And, I can't wait to be inside Edward's!!!!!

  9. i liked how it gave us a new perspective and we got to learn more about jacob leah and seth

    but i prefer bella narrating it better

  10. I quite enjoyed reading from Jacob's perspective.  

  11. i love jacob blackk so yeah i liked it

  12. yeah i actually thought it was really good.

    i love twilight series :]

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