
Did anyone else notice that Abercrombie and Hollister were a lot better 4-5 years ago?

by Guest62108  |  earlier

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And that they have gotten worse? The clothes seem so boring now, they all look the SAME, and there even seems to be less of a selection. They seemed more "exclusive" like 4-5 years ago too, now its more common. Did anyone notice this stuff? and why do you think this is?




  1. In my opinion nothing from those stores has ever been that great. It is all bad quality overprieced and unoriginal. If it has gone down hill in the past years I am sorry to hear that though, it's never fun when a store you like changes it's ways :(

    I remember though that everyone under the sun (besides me because I couldn't afford it or want it) used to wear that stuff in middle school and freshman year. Now that I am in college I don't really notice people wearing it as much. I'm not sure if it's because we are not interested anymore or if it's because the clothes are really bad nowadays.

    I'm referring more to Abercrombie in this than Hollister. We only just got a Hollister in my local mall last year, I never go in because it gives me a headache.

  2. Yea, I noticed! I used to love shopping at both of those stores, but now there clothes are just unattractive, and they both look the same! That store went totally down hill.

  3. yes i did notice that everything is more alike and i mean some of it is cute but i think a little variety would be alot better also there quality went way down i used to only buy there jeans because they were great know its so bad i refuse to buy anything there from tops and maybe a tote, now i only really shop at american eagle because there quality is still really i just hope they don't drop there standards.

  4. I LOVE their clothing, it's great right now, just the way it is! that's why everyone wears it! And it's NOT all the same stuff, they have many different styles. Especially Hollister varies what they put on the shelves. :P

  5. well alot of there shirts are similur

    but i didnt shop there 5 years ago cause i was 8 so i dont remember lol :P

  6. they still have great clothes, its just that alot of people wear it its more common

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