
Did anyone else notice these stereotypes in Higglytown Heros?

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First off, the two African American kids don't have a dad. The hispanic kid's dad runs a hot dog stand. The only girl comes up with plans that are both mathmatically and scientifically unsound hence promoting that women are bad at math and science. Also when everyone gets scared they all hide inside the WHITE MALE. What is up with that?




  1. well, see, it's a preschool show- preschoolers don't even sit still long enough to notice something like that. and plus, have you ever seen Dora? technically that could be racist because she caries a backpack around and she is Mexican! oh my gosh! and what else? teletubies had a guy carrying a purse! teaching toddlers to be heterosexual!!! OMG!! no way

    my advice- get over it! they weren't trying to!!

  2. Very astute...

    I knew I didn't like the show, but now I think I know why.

    Now that you mention these, they are spot-on.

    I'll have to see it with a new eye.....

  3. you sound a bit angry....if you don't like it watch another cartoon.     stereotypes are what you make of it.......   if you noticed the girl is the youngest she makes up answers with her imagination which is something the world needs more of these days.....  so what if the hispanic is running the hot dog stand ... he's an entrepreneur.... and the white guy the hide in is the biggest that's why they hide in him..... my advice to you chill!

  4. I had not noticed that. I didn't ever think Bert and Ernie were anything but friends until some else told me either.

  5. many of the kids cartoons today have many stereotypes in them. subtle, but they are there. My beef is with Sponge Bob. hate him. An awful show for little kids, it was originally for adults. But marketing........ more profit dumbing it down for the kiddies.  Keep scrutinizing the cartoon for your kids. I was shocked to hear cussing on the Powder Puff Girls. I have a DVR and it was recorded, I played it back, and sure enough. cussing. as if the violence in cartoons is bad enough. bullying, cursing, stereotypes, maybe we just need to turn off the TV and send the kids out to play.  works for my boys, and they really don't miss the TV once they got over 'withdrawal'.

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