
Did anyone else see Cindy McCain order the McCain kids to stand when Fred Thompson acknowledged them?

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This is no lie for those who saw it know it's the truth.

Fred Thompson said something about McCain's family that drew an applause. cindy immediately jumped up, but the GROWN children (bored to tears, slouching in their seats) had to be coaxed to stand up and wave. McCain has been in politics forever, why don't their children know how to respond?

Anyone see that and thought it was funny?




  1. Duh, you don't have kids do you?

  2. Apparently you aren't familiar with a strong mother figure.  Yes, I saw her tell her children to stand up.  A lot of mothers try to instill respect in their children.  

  3. Must be a slow news day in obamaworld.

  4. this is pathetic.  find something real to gripe about dude.

  5. Awww can't you find something with more substance to complain about?

  6. Wow, this is the most pathetic question you've asked I think...

  7. Lighten up everyone. It was funny. I played it over and over. It's just like Zits.

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