
Did anyone else see the Yahoo bias against Sarah Pallin?

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In the top story on Yahoo homepage, the headline reads "McCain's VP Choice Risky."

Instead of praising the choice, all the news media--including CNN, Yahoo News, and MSNBC, are now saying the pick is "Risky".


Which is why I boycotted Yahoo starting last week!




  1. Because she is RISKY as well as McCain!!!

    Mccain just turned 73 years old and chose her, isn't that ironic? (scary!!) He could die anytime, and leave our nation in the hand of Patin!!!  SCARY!!!

  2. Why is that bias?  It's true.

    If you boycotted Yahoo, why are you on YAHOO!Answers?

  3. I noticed it too. They seem to praise everything Obama does and says and they are always negative about McCain.

  4. After the media focused the entir democrat convention on experience for Obama/Biden ....ofcoruse they're gonna talk about Palin andher lack of experience because thats all the republicans taked about during the dnc "experince". Now if McCain gets ill, you have a peson who was over nowhere Alaska by Canada with a populatio of 9,000 people running the country! And she has come out of nowhere 8 weeks till the election. Its not like she ran as was known since last year.

  5. Well, Yahoo has always leaned to the left, but you sure aren't doing a very good job of "boycotting"!

  6. you are just another gop whiner out of touch with reality.

  7. Why are you on Yahoo Answers then?

    Do you even know what boycott means?

  8. That choice is risky. no matter what party you are affiliated with it's obvious that that choice is a great risk.  

  9. I am used to it and not surprised. Liberals just can't do any better.  

  10. YES!!  It's sad that they can't see her for who she is.  She wasn't "risky" IMO, she was the best choice there was.  I suppose ANY of the short list would have been "risky".  Obama is "Risky".

  11. Yes-I just got done reading it. You shouldn't be surprised-Obama is the medias choice. NBC did a poll of soldiers serving in Iraq recently and my friends daughter was there and was keeping track 12 were planning to vote Mccain and 2 were planning on voting Obama but guess which 2 they interviewed on the news? Yep-it's all jaded but that's OK because the American people are still smart enough to realize the truth of this whole agenda.

    Mccain/Palin 08 !

  12. lol.......because it's true, get over it. McCain made a terrible choice.

  13. so much for ur boycott huh?

  14. No, maybe you're just paranoid.

  15. Because it is a risky choice. It isn't a news agency's job to praise political choices. It IS their job to point out that this is probably the least experienced, least known person to be nominated by a major party for national office.  

  16. If you boycotted Yahoo starting last week, then how was it you read that headline, and what are you doing posting questions out here?

    I'd say "Risky" is a generous assesment for McCain choosing the Mayor of Podunk, Alaska as someone he wants to be a heartbeat away from what is arguably the most powerful position on Earth!

    Personally I think he chose her because in her younger days she was Miss Wasalla!


  17. Uhm, she is being investigated for an ethics violation even as we speak.  That has nothing to do with Yahoo's bias.  How can an ethics investigation be anything but risky?

  18. You must be kidding.  Bias works both ways.

  19. Hey, you can always watch Fox News--they love McShame. Oreiley Foxx News.

    More to come soon--even the psychics say McShame has bad ties that will surface after Sept 22. Get ready!

  20. yeah, i know.

    i don't like it either and have been noticing it for months.

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