
Did anyone else stay awake to see the result of the Glasgow East by-election?

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I did and was splitting my sides laughing. New Labour got the bloody nose they deserved. It seems their insistence on having a recount just made matters worse for them. It was a large turnout for any election & the swing to the SNP was 26%. Let's face it, this was THE safest seat for New Labour in Scotland. If they can't even keep that...RIP New Labour!!!





  1. Highly amused me! Just seen it on the news - glad the SNP won.  Wonder how Incapability Brown feels today.

  2. Well done Glasgow East!  Do you think Gordons got the message yet!

  3. I wish I had, well done the SNP & the Scottish electorate

  4. Not a chance

  5. Bloody nose ? That is far too tame, decapitated actually describes this momentous collapse in support for this totally ineffectual and lost cause that is called Labour  !

  6. Not me

  7. lol i didnt watch it but was up all night labour is finally geting sent down

  8. Yes I did, but I'm sad lol... Thank God there was not a full recount!

    I'll admit I was happily surprised, I did think for a brief second Labour might just pull it off with a very, very, very small majority, I am very thankful I was wrong.

    the seat was a safe haven, the third safest in Scotland.  The swing was great, 26.1%, in fact the SNP was the only party to gain any swing out of any of the parties standing...

    It was a shame that the Lib Dems saw a decrease in their share of the vote, being pushed back into fourth place with only 915 votes, but oh well...

    What has to remembered is that this was a by-election, and previously larger swings have been seen in other parts of Glasgow, and history has showed it is a bit unlikely that the SNP will keep the seat after the General Election, though again I do hope that I am wrong.  Labour has in recent months had a habit of losing by-elections and all other sorts of local elcetions, and the same words crop up from senior ministers and members mouths: "this is a lesson, the people want change and we will learn..." Yet where is the change?  The recent Policy Forum may deliver, though I do not hold my breath; Alex Salmond was correct: either change the polices or change the job.  Labour is moving further to the right, leaving a nice and large gap for the SNP in Scotland to take over, I can only hope that Labour in 20 or so years will implode leaving the SNP as the party of choice, if that all ready is not happening.

  9. Yes I did. The look on Labours face was worth the effort!

  10. Yes I did - anything that gives Labour a hiding gives me great enjoyment. Douglas Alexander gave the same tired line "we will learn our lessons, economy the problem blah blah" They don't even know where to start to learn lessons they're so out of touch in their westminster bubble.

    EDIT:GB has come out with the famous "getting on with the job" mantra as well

  11. Yes,even though I knew they'd lose in Glasgow,end of New labour im afraid,but what an alternative with Cameron zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. Not me, too busy having a life. But glad that Brown got the bashing he deserves.

  13. I didn't but had an interest in it.

    Can't pick up Scottish Radio where I live.

    Sometimes out of the blue shines a light!

    To be quite honest I never thought Glasgow East had the balls to vote against Labour considering their dependency on state welfare.

    Could this mean they've finally pulled their socks up and rolled up their sleeves and shed the shell-suits to get out into the job market? I doubt it but what a fine morning that would be.

    But good on them for having the sense to make the right decision and vote against Gordon Brown, even if they say it wasn't directly 'against' Labour.

    Come the next general election it won't surprise me if they and the rest of this country vote 'pro' Labour for a 4th term just to really grind it into the ground.

    I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. Rant over - and well done SNP.

  14. I heard it on the news whilst I was working, not too good for the labour Party thats for sure.

  15. Thanks for the good news - SNP continue to be a rising star in Scotland - well, there's democracy for you - the dear ungrateful people of Glasgow East have done it at last, finally thrown off their chains.

    Sorry to say that here where I live in sunny Greenwich-upon-Thames-Flood, the chances of dumping the incumbent Laborious Party is about as much hope of having an ice cream in h**l.

  16. Safest seat in Scotland and 3rd safest in the country.This is great news.OK we won't get a general election from this but it might just make them change their minds on a few things.Surely they must reliase now just how hacked off the people of the UK are with their policies.

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