
Did anyone else think NBC's coverage of the Derby was horrible?

by  |  earlier

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This year, NBC barely showed ANYTHING about the horses or their stories like previous years. It was all about celebrities and people and a bunch of c**p. If I wanted to see celebrities, I'd watch Access Hollywood or Extra! I was so frustrated. If anyone else got mad, e-mail NBC at: so that this doesn't happen next year!!




  1. agreed

  2. I enjoyed it.

  3. NBC is notorious for poor coverage of horse sports- why should the Derby be any different?  I have never seen a network that was more focused on commercials and making money than on what it was actually supposed to be doing- and this is why I have started limiting my watching til just a few minutes before post time. That way, I can still see the race, but I get to skip all the c**p that they put on- which is just shown to kill time anyway, there is no real purpose to it other than that. The Derby has become a show place for people and celebrities- and NBC capitalizes on that to the point where it offends a lot of us. I'm with you- I think that this SHOULD NOT be the network that does the Derby, the Olympics ( don't even get me started with that one) or the World Equestrian Games in 3 years. ( For those who may not know, those Games are coming to the US, to Lexington, for the first time ever in 2010. I have heard that NBC is the winner of the bidding for the telecast rights for them. Sigh !! I had hoped for better- but money talks louder than actions.)

  4. They can take NBC's coverage to the glue factory.

  5. For us hard core racing fans the Derby is the Super Bowl of horse racing. Instead NBC treated us with so many commercials I thought I was watching a informmercial. Hank Goldburg seemed like he had to many mint julips with him slurring his words. Tom Hammond dissing the sponser Yum Brands for the $1 million dollar bonus for the winning margin.

    Please NBC stick with hockey and give the rights to the Derby to ESPN so we can get more coverage and less ads and drunks.

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