
Did anyone else think Taylor won?

by Guest67216  |  earlier

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I had him 115-113




  1. Do you really believe that, or are you just saying it to provoke answers?  All fight experts at the time of the fight and those who have watched it since all say Pavlik won without question.  He doubled Taylors number of punches thrown and landed.  To any experianced fight fan it really was an obvious decision.  It was unanimous, just like the decision was.

    Punch numbers are just an additional way of proving a point, the only reason you dont like them is because they dont agree with your point of view.  It was not the sole or only reason he won, he controled the ring, was deffinately the aggressor, landed more power punches  (not arm punches like someone else said), hurt Tayolr more the Taylor hurt him.  There was not a single aspect of the fight that Taylor won, that is the point of the punch numbers, to further prove that.  Pavlik beat Taylor at every aspect of this fight.

  2. I also had the fight 115-113 Pavlik and was pretty lenient toward Taylor in a couple rounds.

  3. You obviously were watching a different fight than I was.  Pavlik easily won the fight.  I had it 117-111.

  4. No, numbers don't lie. According to punches stat, Kelly not only threw more punches, Kelly LANDED more punches.

  5. I had it 115 to 113 also, but for Pavlik

  6. Taylor won the fight, the comment that pavlic out boxed him had to be made by someone who knows little or nothing about boxing. In this fight Taylor was the boxer with a game plan and he executed it brilliantly. More punches does not mean you won the fight especially when majority are arm punches if you know what that means. Pavlic will not be around long only fights one way straight forward JT. exposed all his weakness an pop shot ed him at will. Ask Pavlic and hi corner who really won the fight

  7. I feel like I am piling on now, but, Pavlik won.  There were a couple rounds that could have gone either way, and I gave one to Pavlik the other to Taylor.

    Pavlik outworked Taylor.  I will say this, Taylor did look much more prepared and much more focused than he has since his first fight with Hopkins.

    Hey, I think I recognize your Avatar, aren't you Doug Tucker?  Just kidding, it was a good fight, I just think you scored 2 or 3 rounds differently than I would have.

  8. Umm no. Taylor was out boxed by Pavlik. Anyone who saw the fight would know this. Taylor put up a good fight and landed some nice shots in the first few rounds but it was Pavlik who was the aggressor who man handled Taylor and backed him up for the rest of the match.

  9. The fight was a draw. Pavlik didn't do

    enough to say he won, certainly not

    by the wide margins officially given.

    But since he was the champion, he

    should be able to keep his title, because

    Taylor didn't do enough to take it away.

  10. I guess it's not going to really matter what I think, because the best answer winner will more than likely be someone who actually agrees with you, though this is a question of opinion.

    Anyway, I thought Pavlik won the fight 116-112. Though Taylor fought a smarter fight, I just didn't think he did enough to convincingly win it. Taylor really looked bothered by Pavlik's jabs throughout the fight, which certainly didn't help his case.

  11. It was a very close and entertaining fight but Pavlik won because he was more aggressive, had a better workrate, and did not gas out nearly as much as Taylor did.

    bribri75 you said Pavlik "manhandled" Taylor, ha ha ha, NO WAY! It was a very close fight and every round was hard to score.

  12. Please , it wasn't even close. The "PRIDE OF YOUNGSTOWN OHIO" is going to be around for a long time. You can't take anything away from Taylor though,he gave 110 %,unfortunately it wasn't enough.

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