
Did anyone else think that the obsession with s*x in Twilight was due to the author's own religious beliefs?

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And the repression and rushing headfirst into marriage and babymaking, etc that her belief system strongly promotes even though the rest of society does not agree? What's equally sad is that many teens who are reading this truly do not know how to seperate fiction from reality and think that this type of thing is acceptable just because their latest 'role models'/idols/whatever you want to call them are doing themselves.




  1. ...can you repeat that for me?

  2. Dude, S. Meyer is Mormon. Don't think so.

  3. hmmmm who cares, the twilight books are great..

  4. I'm Mormon.

    Who cares if the "rest of society doesn't agree"? People can live their lives however they want to. I try not to let society sway my personal choices. I agree that it's not a good idea to get married as a teen, and an even worse idea to have a child soon after getting married (I think a couple should wait a few years before having children. Just my opinion). It bothers me that so many Mormons get married at 18 and have babies by 19, but that's probably because I'm a lot more feministic and ambitious than most Mormon women are. But all the same-- some people find who they want to be with when they are teens. For some people, it doesn't work out. For others, it does. You shouldn't always let society's views dictate your choices.

    As for the obsession with s*x, I have no idea what you mean. If you are talking about Edward's obsession with abstinence, then yes, that is a reflection of Smeyer's (aka Mormon) views. If you are talking about Bella's obsession, I'll have to say I disagree with you. Sure, married Mormons have s*x with their spouse. But married people, regardless of religion, tend to have s*x with their spouses, right? Although I do think that Bella's obsession was a little over the top and irritating, I wouldn't say it's a reflection of Mormon views. I'd say it's a reflection of human nature.

  5. It has to be--- Stephenie Meyer has said in an interview that some of her Mormon beliefs are influenced in her series (ex. the name "Renesmee" coming from Esme and Renee's name, which is Mormon tradition).

  6. I think it might have a little to do with that

    But I think it more has to do with the way the books unfolded themselves

    but I think the baby was unnessary

  7. I've gotten the same impression, to some degree. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that I see a whole lot more of Meyer's own self-indulgent teen fantasy views of herself "shining through" text.

  8. i don't know about that but i thought it was quite graphic and more like a horror the way she perceived Bella's suffering and her vivid descriptions of how battered she became after s*x! i don't know if that could be influenced from her beliefs though. thats just a vampire story

  9. I dunno,probably,it seems the whole book was influenced by her beliefs.

  10. I don't see what's wrong with getting married at the age Bella did. I mean, why should you wait? And, while I don't think that the baby made the story any better, I don't see how that's immoral.

    And, you don't give teens enough credit: We DO have a sense of right and wrong and we'll make our decisions based on those beliefs, and not because of what a character in a book (or actor or singer or whatever) does.

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