
Did anyone else think the Ted Kennedy tribute was ironic?

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I watched the first day of the democratic convention. The Kennedy tribute actually made me laugh out loud. All the talk about his work for the common people juxtaposed with him sailing his 100 foot yacht.

Teddy has always been concerned with the plight of the little people.. when he's not out sailing his 100ft yacht.

I really like how someone said "He always tried his best to live up to the legacy his brothers' left." That had to be a cloaked burn.

He tried his best... it didn't really work out, but he did try his best.




  1. Ted Kennedy: communism's best American friend as the legacy of JFK who almost went nuke on Kruschev & Castro and started us in Vietnam?  Ironic is too weak of a word.  How about "preposterous" or "absurd"?

  2. Better to have a 100' yacht and pass legislation to benefit the poor and working class Americans;  Than to be so out of touch you don't evenm know how many houses you own, and have your major claim to fame being you were one of the Keating 5.

  3. I was disappointed that he did not sing his Spanish language song. It would have wrapped up the illegal alien vote for the Dems. And his performance was always more entertaining than any song I've ever heard from Madonna or Barby.

    No class envy here, but I'd like to have one year's control of all the Scotch Whiskey imports. That would be fair, eh?

  4.   feel for him and his family a brain tumor is a hard thing to face...

    the thing is it doesn't change the facts/truth about him...

    I am a Christian and for a dyeing man to talk about homosexuality the way he did saddens my heart greatly for him, it is very clear that he has not turned his life over to the Lord and he hasn't much time left...

    always nosnod

  5. Although no fan of Ted Kennedy, he got a small pass from me because of his deadly brain cancer.  I found the whole thing ironic because I am old enough to remember in detail the "Chappaquiddick incident."  I even find it ironic that Wikipedia calls a disturbing death at Ted Kennedy's hand, merely an "incident."  So, no, the Ted Kennedy tribute didn't really work for me.  It does not trouble me that our leaders are financially successful, so I could have been happy for him that he finds joy in sailing, even though most of us are not so privileged.   But I, indeed, found the tribute ironic.

    "The Chappaquiddick incident refers to the circumstances surrounding the 1969 death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a former staff member in Senator Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 presidential campaign. Edward Kennedy was driving a car with Kopechne as his passenger when the Senator drove off d**e Bridge into the channel between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha's Vineyard. The Senator swam to safety, but Kopechne died in the car. Kennedy left the scene and did not call authorities until after Kopechne's body was discovered the following day. He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and was sentenced to two months in jail, suspended."

  6. Kennedy is a complicated man. I thought the parts that showed what he has done for people in his state were very very good...the yacht did remind me that he has far too much money, but again, I see that he championed the middle class before taking office and here he was tonight doing it again. I don't begrudge him his yacht or his wealth....I just want him to understand that the rest of us are struggling....and he gets that.....unlike McCain.

  7. I am not bitter at any ones wealth. I think everyone should prosper and be in health... even as their soul prospers. How can poverty stricken people help others?  It is not wrong to have money nor pleasures in life with your money if you earn it honestly and without hurting others. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Enough said.

    He has many strengths, and I'm sorry for his illness and all the tragedys his family has suffered.

    Edit: Even if you haven't guessed it, I am 100% for McCain for President!

  8. I was not impressed  with him, Although I can feel compassion for the terrible cancer he is fighting. But it's always been if you were a kennedy you can kill, rape and commit adultery. and you get your wrist slap.,

    But if you are just the average American, you  are tried ,found guilty,and go to jail. .Just never cared for the double  standard. I feel all of us should answers for we do. So, no the Kennedy's did not impress me at all.tonight.

  9. Kennedy is a contradiction but usually wrong.

  10. No I didn't think it was ironic, in fact what you are suggesting isn't even ironic though I disagree with your comparison that money = selfishness and unwillingness to help those that have less than you.  

    But tell me, where is the 'irony' in your point of view?

  11. Even though I often have not agreed with Ted Kennedy, I have always admired the Kennedys for working so hard for causes they think are worth fighting for.

    With all the money they have, they could have made their lives so much easier.

    May he recover from such a grave illness.


  12. MORONIC, not "ironic".

  13. I agree with James.

    I also agree that showing his yacht was really dumb.

  14. Being a republican I do not begrudge Ted his wealth handed down from Joe Kennedy.  I do find it incredible that he did no jail time for leaving Mary Jo Copechne to suffocate to death in the bottom of the river.  He had a closed hearing.  The fix was in.  

  15. It wasn't ironic at all.  Sen. Kennedy has authored, co-authored and fought for more legislation that advances the cause of the poor and the working and middle class than any Senator in the history of the U.S. Senate.  He is widely regarded by his colleagues to be among the best, most hard working and effective Senators in the modern era.  He is also well loved by his colleagues from both political parties and has co-sponsored an amazing amount of legislation with Republicans during his career.  Only someone that is ignorant of the true state of the facts would have found the tribute 'ironic'.

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