
Did anyone else watch the entire CNN "Black in America" show Friday night?

by Guest66387  |  earlier

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Tell it like it is! Obama for change is the only answer to this mess.




  1. I missed the program, but now that General Croom is retiring, don't you think he'd make a good running mate for Obama?


    Years ago, there was an old tale in the

    Marine Corps about a lieutenant who inspected his

    Marines and told the 'Gunny' that they smelled bad. The

    Lieutenant suggested that they change their


    The Gunny responded, 'Aye, aye, sir, I'll see to it

    Immediately'. He went into the tent and said, 'The

    Lieutenant thinks you guys smell bad, and wants you

    to change your underwear. Acker, you change with Jones,

    McCarthy, you change with Witkowskie, Brown, you change with Schultz. Get to it'.

    The moral:

    A candidate may promise change in Washington but don't count on things smelling any better.

  3. With remarks like that.Thats EXACTLY why I didnt watch it I dont need any guilt trip laying,reverse propganda to tell me how to vote!

  4. Why yes, I did!  I am happy that this documentary was aired for individuals of all ethnicities to view. Now is the time for eyes to open!

  5. I didnt watch it, then again i never watch anything off the 24 cable news stations.  The news that comes out of those things is nothing more than filtered c**p.  The only reputable news station is fox because at least then you know its not true.

  6. I don’t watch CNN nor will I ever watch the democrat network which includes ABC, NBC, CBS, TNN, and PBS.

  7. Obama is indeed the only answer to this mess.   The only thing McCain assures us of is that Bush will have a 12 year term instead of the 8 that our country ignorantly elected him to.  It will be more of the same.  I did watch "Black in America"

    Part1 Wednesday night and was quite disappointed.  It waas billed as a piece on Black women and I thought it was lacking at best.

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