
Did anyone ever expect a beard to score a goal?

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Come on now people... Drapes gets best beard cause it scored!




  1. Whaaaat? lmao, Mike has 21 thumbs down.

    Drapes does NOT impress me. Let's let hiim face old man Roberts and THEN I'll be impressed......(if Drapesy can manazge to stay alive) lol, jk jk

  2. lol Mike. I gave you a thumbs up. The beard provided a little extra cushion so it didn't hurt as much also.

  3. <---Not impressed. :P

    Oh, and Zetterberg's breakaway that resulted in goal #4? He went stick side; Hossa would have went glove side. (And scored.)


  4. Shut your face, Mike.

    Draper is the man!

  5. Did anyone ever expect a duck to score a goal?

    that would be a Drake, a Dallas Drake

    Drapes beard is now my favourite beard, just pipping Amanda Beard to the top spot

  6. Draper FTW, he wins best beard because its red.

    MIKE- No ones afraid, you just answered the question completely wrong.  I don't see Nips asking for predictions.

  7. Pens in 6.


    lmao, check out the thumbs down. What? You people afraid or what? lol


    Damnit, come on, where are all the Pens fans? Do you guys want me to hit up the Pensblog for some more bandwagoners? (Trust me, you don't, lmao).


    Erica: I hear your 14, and I raise it to 30, lol. That's my prediction for how many thumbs down I will end up with.

  8. They should make an award for that type of goal! I'm sure he couldn't feel his jaw after that play lol.

  9. That's why they grow them!!

  10. I'd have to agree with you Nips.  I mean, has anyone else had their beard score?!!  I don't think so.  I don't think so.  

    **Mike, it looks like you've been particularly naughty! ;-)

  11. Chuck Norris' beard couldn't even pull off a stunt like that...But I suppose he would have just delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to Turco's head, and the puck would have found it's way in.

    Drapers Elmo-ish beard is tops right now, although Stuart's is quite impressive as well.

  12. LoL he risked his body/Beard for the sport, thats how us Wings roll.

    His beard didn't wanna leave just yet.

  13. That takes skill! I've always said I wanted to score off of my face, but he pulled it off better than I could ever hope to.

  14. can never stress how important the playoff beard is. shame dallas scored then the first star could have been drapes beard

  15. No question about it!  It's ginger, so it must be real (lol), and scored magnificently.  Thanks to the quick thinking and insane sacrifice of its owner.  Should it have its own agent?

    Funnily enough, Chuck Norris was also mentioned in our house after Draper came back to play, and the comparison came WAY out in favour of Draper.

  16. If he had shaved that lucky beard the puck would have never gone in!

  17. Yep. Do they have a trophy for that?

    So is Mike thumbs downs a record for any reg? He's got 27 of 'em.

  18. hahahaha. does that automatically get him the best beard award for the post season...his is the only one that scored. lol. great question, and great goal. i laughed on most of the red wings goals cause marty looked kurfuddled.

    hahah erica i gave mike a thumbs up too. erica are you going to keep editing the thumbs down total? if you are good luck with that. lol.

    people must not get superstitions...either way he'll win in the end. him saying that was an automatic jinx against his team...if he believes in it. anyways and all you thumber downers aren't supporting that jinx. hahaha if you don't have experience with this maybe you should search out joe's pens jinx, and tangers double edged reversal rebuttle question.

    i hope people got that. i'm not trying to get mike some thumbs up, but i'm just saying karma is a b*tch...if you believe in it.

    and i gave him a thumbs up because for the sc finals i choose not to believe in jinx (that doesn't mean anything much...but i'm going to try to not say anything about an outcome), so i agree with his response...but if you believe in that stuff any thumbs up is an automatic against the pens team. i know i know. i'm probably going to h-e-double hockey sticks anyways. POINT Is: if you support the pens you'll support mike and go against the jinx by giving a thumbs down, and if you're a wings fan you know what to do.

    Draper for best Post Season Beard!!!!!!! and nips you have  pretty solid beard going on. it's beyond shapeless.

    i don't know why i bothered explaining. lol erica. long night for you then eh, since mike is gonna get some of the pens bandwagoners to come over. anyways i bet my bro and said the lakers and redwings are going to win 07-08 season...and there's only one of those two i actually want to win.

    lmao copas. no way. i had a hard time imagining that, not cause he doesn't have enough puck bunnies, but i think it'll be a partnership between those god awful axe commercials and an edge commercial...and maybe the i want to break free song in the background with a little animation of the ministache running away.

    erica did you see gilly shaking his head yesterday i think it was at jeff carter/umberger who were trying to play the puck after the refs had whistled the play dead. it was so funny cause he looked like he was enjoying being a p**s head way too much. lol. i don't think gilly has a bad case of ego complex...but i'm sure he appreciates that the sale of his jerseys are up in numbers :P. i can't believe he was ever a leafs. ugh. well i think his ego would definately make him the unstoppable giant then, don't you think?

    hey mike. sorry about that. i think all the thumbers effects your tc badge ratings?...answer my long *** question? lol.;...

  19. d**n, Mike...what'd you do...? lol

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