
Did anyone ever experience something supernatural??like see a ghost?

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im really interestes in ghost and orbs...basically anything supernatural!!

please tell your stories!!

thanks xxxx




  1. idk for some reasonmy family seems to be drawn to the supernatural. My uncles house was built over a cementery and my house is next to the cementery. I ve never personally SEEN a spiritual being ( im too afraid ) I do have stories about things that have happen.

    Lets see once I was sleepin at my Aunts house and me my sister and my cousins were all in the room it was around midnight and we were waiting 4 my parents and my aunt and uncle to come back from a concert. so we were watching a movie acting stupid  when we herad something slam into the door OMG let me tell you i nearly pissied my pants we checked the whole house and we checked the windows and the doors. everythings locked but we ended up with this HUGE whole in our door

    Another time it was my mother who was sleeping in her room and she was having a hard time sleeping becuz my father wasnt there. so shes having a hard time fallin asleep and she told me that she as she was lying there she thought she heard someone wispering to her she tried to close her eyes to try to get to  sleep but as she had her eyes close she  felt the bed moving as if someone was sitting next to her she open her eyes thinkin it was my father but she didnt see any one in the room. she told me she just threw the covers over her head and started praying lyk crazy

    other times me and my sister just her things going on in the house lyk sometimes we will her a ball bouncing or the sink in the kitchen running but we are to much of a scardy cat to check it out  other then that i have never actually seen any thing and thank god cuz if i did let me tell you i would never come baq to this house

  2. I see ghost sightings all the time,

    Which sounds odd, but yeah.

    The scariest thing thats ever happened to me was when i was with my friends, We were in my room, and days before i was hereing scratching whispering and moved in w 1 foot hallway between my room and the wall to the next room. But anyways, Me and my friends were sitting there talking, While my other friend was half asleep. The ones that were awake heard the sratching and whispering, then we saw someone pacing outside my door ( i have a almost transparent sliding door) and we flipped, It was a tall man with longish hair. And weeks before, i was getting spooked because i felt like someone was watching me, and my friend Jess, Completely physic, told me it was a man around 23 with long dark hair, Tall.  it just was really ironic that the thing we all saw was exacly how she explained it. For some odd reason it never scared me until weeks later it threw a painting across me room, and the next day the painting was ripped.

  3. Lets get this straight. GHOSTS DO NOT EXIST!!! WHY so many people act like they've seen something supernatural is beyond me.

  4. yes   lol   im  indigo  i  see them  all  the time

  5. Yes, at least once.  Hope never to have the experience again.

    But if it is a short story you want then you will have to pay...chuckle.

  6. Well, I've had a few supernatural experiences. I feel my grandma's presence quite often. She's always very comforting.

    There's also been bad experiences. Just over a week ago, a ghost came to my room in the night, and I can honestly say it was the most terrifying night of my life. It was a hot night, but it suddenly became very, very cold. It became very dark - the streetlight outside my window went out. And then there were these noises...I can't explain it. I could also hear footsteps approaching my bed. My heart was beating so hard the whole bed was shaking, but I couldn't move. I don't know how long this went on for, but eventually I managed to fall asleep.

    No-one believes me, but it's true. And it was terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

    Hope this helped :]

  7. Yes

    I've gotten pulled off of a chair.NO JOKE!It really hurt!!!

    I've gotten pics with orbs in them.I don't know how to get pics on to my computer so I can't show you the pic.Sorry!

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