
Did anyone ever feel like this and wind up being pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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My period was due sometime between this past Saturday & Monday (yesterday). For the past two days I feel like it is going to start at any second and I keep feeling like it has started, so I check but it is just clear/white - not even a hint of dark.

I don't want to take a test yet in case it is too early - I was a little crazy and wasted 5 tests the first month we tried so I told myself I would never do that again. Does this ever happen and you end up being pregnant? We are in our 4th month ttc. Thanks!




  1. i hope this helps but i am feeling the same as you, i've already took 4 test and all neg but  i wish you the best of luck to you... but i am almost positive that i am prego so i wish i knew a good answer to tell you... but if you think about it.. we both are trying, we both think we are, and we both have the same sign so lets hope were right

  2. Can't say that's what happened to me, but as I'm sure you know everyone is different. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you =)

  3. Before I tested I also felt as if I were about to have my Af, time to test

  4. just calm down dont think about will get pregnant when you least expect it...i am on my 2nd month of trying and my period was a 1 1/2 late cause i was so stressed over not knowing if i was or not wait a week or two then take a test. I also took 4 tests my 1st month good luck

  5. I would test. I took a PG test 5 days before my missed period and i got a positive. And yes, I did feel like you did and am now pregnant. Good luck!

  6. That was how i felt. I kept thinking i had came on and went to check and it was just clear discharge, no dark at all, and there was enough of it to make me think i had came on, like i could feel it lol (too much info i know)

    and then i took 3 tests, one negative and 2 positive.

    i think you should take a test :)

    if its neg, try again and if its still neg try again in afew days

    Good luck!

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