
Did anyone ever find their escaped cornsnake??

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I've recently lost mine and it's stressin' me out. I can sympathize with all the stories about lost snakes. Do any have a happy ending?




  1. My snake got lost and he went under a gap in the wall and then he eaten a bit of wood and died. BE CAREFULL!

  2. My cornsnake got out after my parents were watching it while I was moving (my old apartment had toxic mold, so I didn't want my snakes there, waited until we got into a new place before I brought them home with me). Dad forgot to put a cage clip on and Pinkie, my snow corn,  got out. My parents called me and I rushed over. We spent the better part of the day looking to no avail. Just as I was about to give up, and go home, there he was, crawling up the basement stairs!! Let me tell you, I don't know if my mother was more relieved that there wasn't a snake loose in the house, or that he was safe and was going to be fine.

    Don't give up, it might turn up.

  3. my cousin lost his cornsnake a few years ago.

    he still do this day doesnt know how it got out, the top was on the tank securely but the snake wasnt in there!  he looked for him for a week and didnt find him.

    a month after he lost the snake, my family was over for Thanksgiving.  something happened with their furnace, so my uncle, my father, my cousin and myself went to the basement to see what the problem was.  my uncle took the panel off the furnace and there was Jimbo (the snake) all coiled up by the pilot light!  my cousin grabbed him and hugged and kissed him as if it was his girlfriend!!!  it was a great moment.

    just know that snakes are very smart are extremely good at survivng in the wild, even after domesticated.  dont stop looking around your house and yard, my guess would be that hes hasnt gone too far.


    oh, and for a little comfort, I have a toxic firebelly toad hopping around MY house somewhere, Im just preying I find him before my dog does!!

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