
Did anyone ever had a paranormal experience?i woke up for no reason and i got slap on the back of my head!!!?

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Did anyone ever had a paranormal experience?i woke up for no reason and i got slap on the back of my head!!!?




  1. Maybe your partner was having a bad dream and slapped you.  Or, when you jerked awake, you felt a slap when it was just the fact that you jerked out of sleep.  Or you jerked awake and your body was a step behind you and it felt like a slap, or if you have a pet, it was in your bed and jumped off after it slapped you.  Or you were actually dreaming the whole time, even though it felt like you were awake.

  2. YES this has happened to me once.. as crazy as this sounds, a spirit, would of been trying to get your attention.

    i had been waiting for a whole year for my partner to turn up, on a special annaversary.. i could feel that night he was going to turn up, i waited till about 1am, i had my auntie stay over that night, she slept in the front room, i had gone to bed upset.. then out of no where i got the biggest slap on the head, it woke me up, but i went straight back to sleep..the next morning my auntie told me she could hear men at the front door whispering, but they went was him, and i slept through it and missed him completely... i should of got up when i got hit in the head... yeah i always think of that night, and regret so much not getting up

    EDIT if this has never happened to anyone, and you suggest its the cat or a partner or what ever, have you ever been slapped in the back of your head really hard, by someone, you can not misjudge it as something else, thats what it is when it happens, but no one is there with you... and its surely not just a dream, as you wake up your head is still hurting...your been slapped by an invisable hand (i know this sounds really crazy but it does happen)

    example, i knew some one who was slapped hard on their head while they slept, only to be woken up, and their house was on fire, no smoke alarms..only the one person in the house, and the only reason they woke up from a deep sleep, he was slapped real hard on his head, and that saved his life..

    thank god for the invisible hand... LOL   this is the works of an angel

  3. when i was a kid, about 10, i lay in bed dreaming... i fell off a bicycle...woke up because the next thing i knew was my sister, in another room, screaming i was getting hit by a car... parents rushed to scene... she was in my bed... i was in hers... no idea how that happened

  4. lol...That's funny!

  5. maybe you should have had a V8 before bed?

  6. Not like that...and I hope I never do (have that experience).

    "jih"...glad your sister's dream didn't come to pass. (that just shows...not all dreams are "prophecy"..thank goodness)

    ....and I think we have a new skeptic on here...(the one with all the explanations of what probably happened)(Belle in Fl)..Hi Belle..I'm in Fl. too !!!

  7. Did it scare you?  Honestly I can't remember a year in my life when I didn't come in contact with something paranormal.  When I was a child I would often wake up to someone breathing in my ear.  Of course there was no one there, but it still weirded me out.  We had a laundry chute that went all the way to the basement, and when everyone was asleep I could hear whispering coming up from that chute.  We lived in a 19th century carriage house that was converted into a house.  This place was scary.  In the downstairs closet I would hear banging on occasion.  I could hear footsteps on the stairs when no one was home.  I was told by my mother that she would walk into my room thinking I was talking to my sister, and she wouldn't be there.  When she asked me who I was talking to I would tell her it was a man that lived there before we did.  I'm very receptive to the paranormal, and have accurately recounted activity in some homes that people were experiencing when I never been there before and just met them.  It's a freaky world out there sometimes, just remember, if you show fear you are giving them control over you.  Don't give them that sort of control.

  8. kinda...once while dating a witch,..i had an affair with  a  close friend ,while in the 'ACT' she ( the witch i was dating) appeared in the back ground in a wispy form just for a second ,and was  gone ...later in the night when my "friend" was gone, and i fell asleep..the lamp above my bed , quite heavy came falling to my head. i still have a good scar above my right eye and a deep respect for the arts in  the unknown ,to include  paranormal  activity.keep in mind that a paranormal experience does not always take place with the un living ...dead as it were....we are all connected ...Freddy lives ...blessed be

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