
Did anyone ever say "F-you" to you without actually saying it?

by  |  earlier

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For example, if you ask someone a simple question and you get "this doesn't concern you" as a response, which of course, really means...




  1. Yes, with my finger.

  2. nope people just come out and say fuc k you bit ch usually. ive gotten things like f you and that sh it but yeah i usually am just told fuc k you

  3. Yes, constantly.. the passive-aggressive types are good for that one.  I'd really rather her them say "f-you" personally.

  4. yea i get it ll the time....

    i do it too! haha.

  5. oh lol many times. ive gotten look from teachers at my school that say that & of course me&my friends flip eachother off all the time...for fun though.  

  6. ya..

  7. what do you think!?!

  8. yeah i did it today and then wished i would have actually said it! lol

  9. I'm always telling my kids that by not doing what I ask, they might as well say "F u mom".  They say F U mom a lot.

  10. yea i farted and they birdied me

  11. all the time.....

  12. yes they flip me off.

    thats pretty much the same thing

  13. wel they can flip u off but it probably ment nunya business ****** not f- you  

  14. Haha yep. I give that look quite often as well. So I have been told. People tell me that they can just tell by the look on my face.

  15. The whole effing time, but i just don't give a d**n cause their gutless to say it directly!

  16. yes i have in many ways

  17. no but my dad says the s word when he sneezes lol but he really dose  

  18. Yep the "finger" and a certain look will say the same thing.

  19. If you receive a very insulting offense then yea. They just say it in different words.

  20. yep..get it all the time from my sister

  21. um sure y not

  22. Yep... I had someone actually just glare at me and turn their head away. That's about as "f-you" as you can get without actually saying anything.  

  23.'s all in the eyes and the rolling of the eyes

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