
Did anyone feel that earthquake???...?

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did anyone feel that earthquake just now???, and my little sister, whos 5, is wearing a helmet....=)...




  1. haha

    wow I totally felt it! Supposedly it was felt in Los Vegas, but I don't know....

    I'm still a little shaken up!

  2. Yes!!! Scared the ebe jebeeez outta me! How unexpected!

  3. lol i didn't ... but i'm like in a spot where i probably couldn't feel it very easily. my cousin lives in la, maybe she did. haha your sisters funny xD

  4. Haha yeah!

    I did, and I was in the shower!

    Talk about weird...


  5. Oh yeah, that was a scary-feeling one and I'm all the way down here in San Diego! Even the Northridge quake didn't feel so big down here. One big roll/shake and then several seconds of smaller rolling. I was sure there was a giant one closer. Surprising it was only 5.4 and no immediate damage reports.

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