
Did anyone feel the eathquake in the night?

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or was it just me




  1. No...i live in Oxfordshire...

  2. Yes. Woke up at 12.50 something and the whole house shook! Five point two on the Richter Scale and the biggest for over twenty years, it scared me for a while until I realised what it was. A right good shaking for all of us in our town. No real damage though, just a few tiles, slates and the occasional badly eroded brick.

  3. Yes, Have felt them many nights, some very slight, some more pervasive.  Glad someone else felt them, I'm in San Diego, were are you, I'm sure more lighter sleepers felt them?

  4. I didn't you must have been sleeping very hard and dreaming honey cause i didn't feel a d**n thing at all

  5. how can i fill it and i was in bed

  6. me and my dog felt it very much!

    quite scared i was when things started to crash on the floor!


  7. Not me but my son...he was sleeping on the floor and was shook violently, along with the sound of things expanding or contracting....He was very shaken by it but he said it felt like an earthquake......I thought he was having a mild epileptic seizure...Never thought we'd feel one in the Cleveland area

    ...Many people experienced it and thought they were imaging things........5.2 is quite strong but fortunately not much structural damage occurred apparently...???

  8. Yes, I'm about 20 miles from the epicentre, so I felt it!  

    I woke up not knowing what was going on, asked my husband if the house was falling down.  His answer?  In a very calm voice  "It's an earthquake, go back to sleep!"

  9. Yeah i felt it . I was just sat up in bed on my laptop and my bed started shaking and i was like omg whats going on at first and then the whole house started shaking and it really scared me lol. I live in middlesbrough

  10. No, i slept right through it :)

  11. It was you (I live in France)

  12. I did in Lincolnshire and it did hit Nottigham because my sister felt it and she lives there some people slept through it they seriously must be heavy sleepers because my entire apartment building was wobbling i thought we were falling down!

  13. lol that sounds slightly dirty - woke up in middle of night but dunno when

  14. nope! (live in Nottingham)

  15. The wife thought it was me shaking the bed. Goodness knows what she thought I was doing!!! We are in Lancashire by the way .

  16. I have to say that the earth didn't move for me! I'm in Kent.

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