
Did anyone feel their baby move that much when you was 39 weeks pregnant or when you was ready for birth?

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hey i am 39 weeks pregnant and i am ready for labour well i have been getting all the signs and i do feel the baby but not has much did anyone else?? please help




  1. ya I had that .As long as you do feel movement your OK :) and relax now as when the baby is here you will not sleep for a while agen  

  2. I have heard that the sooner you are to having the baby, the less it moves as it is making its way to go through the birth canal.  Good luck to you.  My mother in law said when this happened to her, she had the baby within a week!

  3. That's really common. You know, it's getting pretty cramped in there.  Your little guy (or gal) doesn't have a whole lot of room for stretching or turning at this point.  He might also be getting ready for labor by resting, as you should do too.  If you are concerned, you can drink some orange juice, soda or coffee to see if that stimulates him into motion.  Of course, you can always call your doctor if you are really worried.

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