
Did anyone feel upset watching the Secret Millionaire; Glasgow?

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did you too find it a very moving tv programme (aug 19th episode) highlighting what a difference to a persons quality of life some money makes?




  1. Yes, the acceptance and courage of the people featured was humbling.He didn't look like the 'average joe', but the fact that filming was taking place could explain a lot to people accepting him as a volunteer.

    They probably thought it might bring their lack of funding into the public gaze, maybe a lottery grant.

    I am glad they got the money and hope the man with the dog enjoys his football.

  2. I've said it before...I was very change channels..

    British TV is slowly going down the mawkish, overly- sentimental American route

    Bin this slushy tripe!

  3. yes i did, you could tell the people he gave the money to this week were really grateful. that last bit always brings tears to my eyes. he was very sincere.

    please dont give me a thumbs down but i wanted him to go back to the old ladies flat and offer a clear up service and a razor.

  4. It moves me, too but there's a BIG part of me that gets very angry when I think the local Council should be funding these people not Nick.

    Nick is absolutely brilliant but it should not have been his job - I hope their Social Services department are disgusted with themselves

  5. i felt this weeks was really good and very moving he was avery nice person and genuine felt for the casues so much so he has ensured he will be part of their lives for next five years. I bet he went back to that blind man as well to ensure he was ok and the lady with the beard living on her own bet he cleaned that falt out after for her.

  6. yeah i always cry at the people's reactions

  7. Yes Carrie I did and I do every week I watch that show.  This week was particularly moving though and it just makes you appreciate how much you have doesn't it when you see how other people have to live - makes me very humble.  That Nick was an extremely lovely person and I know he will not just abandon them but help them some more.  As he said it had touched his life and he wouldn't be the same again so he has learned a lot from it too.  What a lovely programme it is even though hubby and I always end up in floods of tears.  

  8. Come on Gordon Brown,,,you're Scottish, did you see this programme ?, if not you should do.   How many more people like the old lady with the cat need help..  Charity begins at home so they say.  Thousands are given away by this government  to help the needy abroad.  Why is it left to kindly people like Nick to help here ?.  This programme was very touching and Nick seems as if he really cares and  not just for the cameras.

  9. It didn't upset me, as in make me feel bad or anything but I did have a few tears in my eyes!  

    I don't get though how the people he was working with didn't suspect anything. I mean I know average jo goes to volunteer, but I could tell he was different just by looking at him and in the way he spoke, I think he stood out a bit much to be honest. Did anyone else think the same?

    Sorry for asking another question within yours!

  10. yes i did find it was moving..especially the little old lady,with the beard on her face,,with her cat.someone should help her..asap.its a crying shame.mary.c.

  11. Yeah ! i did, Nick seems a really nice guy through.

    The government need to give more money to our home charities before foriegn ones.

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