
Did anyone from the U.K feel the eartquake last night?

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It was the most spooky,bizarre experience i have ever felt,living in the U.K its not the norm,so when my cabinet started to shake and my sette which i was sat on,i thought it was a poligeist! lol!!,i screamed out to my husband,he came running down the stairs,when i told him,he was like you were dreaming!,but i knew it was real,i was so shook up,and now i know the term,when someone says they froze with fear,thts exactly what hapened to me lol!,after calming me down,we went to bed,it was only this morning my husband came and woke me and told me what i felt was an eartquakemby the way i live in Middlesbrough,Cleveland,did anyone else feel it?




  1. Yes I did, I thought I was

  2. YES! , well i was too tired to take it in but i remember and when i saw the news i knew i hadn't been dreaming

  3. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

    I think the Earthquake was in England & Wales.

  4. Yep felt it here in Norwich, i woke up just before it happened looked at my clock was just drifting off again when i heard wot i thought at the time was a lorry parked outside my house only it got louder and louder the the whole house shook and vibrated wildly, at the peak my dogs were barking, i suspected it was an earthquake but i was so scared i cud not move to go protect my kids!

    It seemed to go on for a good 45 secs from start to finsh but on the news it said 10 secs? Time definetley slows when u r scared! All the ornaments upstairs had moved to the edges of the shelfs any longer and they deffo wud have landed on the floor!

    I immediatley called my partner who works nights in london and he had felt it too!!!

    I was really shaken up and crying, when i got myself together i sat and watched Sky news for  a good 2 hours before venturing back to bed, i am nervous that it will happen again! And am delaying sleep cos of it!!

  5. Stop messing you silly goose.Me and the duck had to keep order in here last night what with all the earthquake victims.

  6. I felt it and I live on the south wales borders.

    It was the noise that woke me up first, and I sat bolt upright in bed and watched my bedroom furniture bouncing up and down for about 10 seconds.

    I was like you, my first though was I've got a poltergeist but I think that was to do with being half asleep!

    When I woke up a bit more I realised it must have been an earthquake, but I couldn't get back to sleep for ages afterwards because I was waiting for more tremors.

    It's not the first time I've felt an earthquake that big, but it was certainly a very weird experience.

  7. Was there an earthquake? that's a bit of a wild claim if it turns out to be a mistake on your part young lady!

    Ed: Yeah Misty, it was like being the orchestra on the titanic!

    Ed: 'sigh* Cuteebony: check back on here when it was actually happening and read misty blues comment.:) xx

  8. Yes down here in staffordshire,

  9. well, something really spooky happened to me, I live in the south east. At about 7-8pm, I felt a rumble under my feet, it was only very slight, and I thought, it strange, thought maybe it was a minor earthquake. So what a surprise I got on seeing the news this morning, an earthquake during the night! So the earth moved hours before for me, than it did for you guys!

  10. I live only 5 miles away from Market Rasen i did feel it i woke up (thinking that i was dreaming) and thought someone was shacking my son bed and had to get up and check.

  11. no, sadly i slept through the whole thing. but my whole family woke up with it. i hope we have another one, but this time i am awake for it

  12. Live 3 floors up in london and an almighty crack woke me as the buildings timber groaned under the movement and then the most scarey bit the bed l was sleeping on vibrated back and forth like jelly for a few seconds.We had a tornado last year that damaged many buildings.What next l ask you?how about a bit of sunshine,now l am being plain silly

  13. My elderly parents felt the shudder. Woke my Mum up and she was scared. Makes me think I live too far away from them (am in Scotland) want them here with me.

  14. We live in a first floor flat, in Gloucestershire, I was watching tv when my chair moved and I thought at first it was the dog having a good shake and knocking my chair, then I remembered we haven't got a dog any more!  I jumped out of the chair and the glass and ornaments in the cabinet were rattling.  Then it stopped as quickly as it started.  I went to the bedroom because I thought my husband had fallen out of bed (it wouldn't be the first time) but he was fast asleep.

    It was then that it dawned on me that it was an earth tremor so I switched over to the news and the first reports were coming in.  I think the whole thing only lasted about 4/5 seconds but it was certainly unnerving.

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