
Did anyone get Negative HPT tests while pregnant but a positive when the bloodwork came back? PLEASE HELP?

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I am 15 days late, and although I don't want to get my hopes up, they kinda are; however I keep getting negative HPT tests. I just went to the DR and had my blood drawn but won't find anything out till tomorrow. I hope that it is a BFP, but am a little unnerved because I keep getting BFN HPTs...Did anyone else go through this, or know someone who did, and end up pregnant?




  1. With my first pregnancy ever, I tested on Saturday morning and got a BFN but on Monday my beta came back positive.  That pregnancy ended in miscarriage because of low progesterone.  Nothing to do with bad betas.  

    It took us 10 years, but we finally had our beautiful daughter in 2006 and now are expecting #2 in December.

    Best of luck.  Hoping you get a BFP!!!

  2. Yes, with my first pregnancy I tested negative on three HPT but when I went in for a blood test, it came back positive. HPT are not always correct.

  3. im 17 days late and hoping to get my bloods booked in for tomorrow, i have had 5 negative tests. fingers crossed for you and me!!!

    ive heard lots of people get neg test results then have bloods done and they are positive, but also i have heard that bloods can come back negative to. then a month later you could find you really are pregnant.

    good luck xx

  4. I've heard of this happening many times so keep your head and hopes up!  15 days late is quite a long amount of time, so I'm praying that you'll get great news tomorrow!  Keep us all posted!  

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