
Did anyone get pregnant after Laparscopy/hysteroscopy surgery?

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I was wondering if you have higher chances of conceiving after you have this done. I guess it also depends on what they find. I am having this done next week to look for anything abnormal. Thanks for your help!




  1. I'm not sure if that makes your chances higher but I have had several of those procedures over a five year period. I had an HSG (part of the basic infertility testing) in Oct. to see if my Fallopian tubes were blocked and they did show blockage (both tubes)... In April we received the news that I am preggo. Some studies show that after having an HSG it can increase your chances of conceiving. I believe it worked for me. Good luck!!!!

  2. I did.

    We'd been trying for nearly 2 years when I had a laparoscopy and dye (this is a laparoscopy when they also perform an HSG to check if your tubes are open)  in November 2005.

    I got pregnant 4 months later in March 2006.  My son is now 20 months old.

    There is, allegedly, a window of about 6 months after a laparoscopy in which you are more fertile.

  3. Hi I had both these procedures done and nothing out of the ordinary was found I then found out I was pregnant 3 weeks after but it unfornetetly ended in a miscarriage I have heard of a few woman who managed to get pregnant afterwards and carry to full term. I was told by my FS that it can make you extra fertile afterwards because everything is cleaned out of your tubes. Good Luck

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