
Did anyone get pregnant after trying for 5+ years? stories please?

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My boyfriend and I have been trying for #1 for almost 5 years now with no luck at all. I just had another annovulatory cycle and Im kinda depressed :(

Did anyone have success after trying for a long time? Id love to hear your stories :)




  1. My doctor told me that it was "highly unlikely" i would ever concieve again, my son is 9, and then 3 weeks after i went back with a tummy bug and you guessed it, she was born on the 1st of Jan. I think up to that point i had been worrying, trying for 3 yrs, that it would never happen. I found a website that plots your fertility if you tell it your LMP and what days are better to concieve and stuff like that, i'm convinced that chilling out about it and letting nature take its course helped loads.

    So relax and just have s*x for the fun, not for a purpose enjoy being together again and when your happy and enjoying it, you will be blessed. Im 100% positive that things happen for a reason and that you just havnt reached your time yet!

    Good luck and keep me posted!!

  2. My husband and i tried for over 7 years!! I'm pregnant now, but this is an IVF baby. Its normal to try for 12 months (if you think about it, that's only 12 chances in 12 months) if you are under 35. If you are over 35 usually you would be referred to a fertility specialists for  testing after six months of trying.

    If you have been trying for 5 years without success, i would be talking to your local doctor, so you can both be referred to a fertility specialist for testing! Goodluck! You will get there...we did!!

  3. my boyfriend & i been having s*x for about 4 yrs

    we decided we wanted kids but a bit later

    we decided it was for the best to break up

    when we broke up i found out i was pregnant

    of course i told him but i raised my son myself

    and dont dread one second of it

    just try to relax calm down

    and itll happen

  4. Me and my boyfriend tried for a bout 10 years we started off young so my doctor didn't want to treat me for infertility, i waited and waited, i mean i tried everything, positions drinking over the counter vitamins basically everything and no success, now finally i' am. I'm 34 weeks today carrying not one but two babies.  Sometimes when you want something so bad it seems like eternity to get it, just have hope don't give up, if you feel deep within is infertility issues then go for it.

  5. me and my husband had our 1st son when we were 17 in high school our second when we were 18 and we finished school got married at 19 and started trying to have another baby but for some reason we werent getting pregnant then my son turned 4  and i had just come to the fact that maybe we couldnt have n e more kids. But i order some medicine offline called fertil aid and i really didnt think it would work so i just stopped worrying about it but then the next month i found out i was preg :) now im 6 months so best advice i would say is to stop trying and relax and best of luck.

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