
Did anyone go to a kentucky derby party?

by  |  earlier

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Did you have fun and look cute. What did your hat look like..girls? Who won?




  1. No, and i NEVER would!

    People just sit with their money and their stupid fluffy hats with bouncing sh*t coming out of the top and dont realize what the horses are being put through! I didnt make it to the television in time but when i found out this morning i was heartbroken. Its so sad how people put young horses in like that for MONEY. Its really depressing. I would be so mordified if my favorite horse on this planet was put into a big shindig like that and had to be put down for breaking to ankles.

    I'll pray for Eight Bells.

  2. Its normally not a racy topic alothough alot of people probably saw this post as insensitive because Eight Belles had to be euthanized after the race.

  3. That's like asking if anyone went to Michael Vick's dog shower

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