
Did anyone have problem driving after a longbreak from it?

by Guest34010  |  earlier

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i passed my test in june and i havent driven a car since untill 2 days ago , its an oldish car and i find it hard to drive all my knowledge of driving has gone out the window and now i feel really panicked by driving is there anyway to get my confidence in driving back ?




  1. You've just got to stick with it.  When living in central london, I didn't drive for five years.  It only takes a few days for it all to come back...

  2. eventually it becomes automatic, like walking...just dont take prolonged breaks from driving, practice makes perfect

  3. I passed my test and didn't drive at all after it for at least 10 years.  When I was able to drive, and just to make sure, I booked a few driving lessons to refresh my memory and to reassure myself too. It was worth every penny.

  4. i find it hard to drive all the time!

    i am one of those who doesnt park near the entrance but 10 mile away to get a double space!

    your driving ability shouldnt take long to come back!

    once youve got back on the horse so to speak!

  5. Driving a car is like riding a bike, you never forget.

    I did not drive for 14 years, then June this year I got a car, within the 1st couple of days, I was an old hand.

    Don't know how I managed for 14 years without a car, I love my car.

  6. My problem is when I have been driving a different and large vehicle. It lasts about 5 minutes

  7. Easiest way is by driving. Chances are if you just passed your test last june, you weren't the best driver on the road anyway. Driving comes with experience, so the more you have, the better you will be. However, it is actually like riding a bike. Once you get it down, it is really hard to forget.

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