
Did anyone have their child at 37 weeks?

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I'm considering trying to induce by s*x and I am 37 weeks ... I have read that by now the baby is considered 'full term" but I want some personal advise ...

Did you have your baby at 37 weeks?

Were there any complications?

Do you think I should try to induce by s*x?

This is my first child and I need advise ... I have been having BH for about 3 weeks ... He puts sooo much pressure on my cervix and r****m I can hardly walk ... also he moves sooo much my belly looks like I have pop corn inside there ... Help .. what should I do?




  1. My son was born at 37 weeks, was labeled full term, was healthy and fine until a month later. A pediatric specialist found he had GERD, an ASD hole in the heart and frontal lobe damage. Why? Because after 10+ plus 4D ultrasounds, 90 days on hospital bedrest and 8 months bedrest total, the accuracy of conception is still 2 to 4 weeks off. My son was born at 34 w 5 d in actuality.

  2. My wife had three babies at 35, 36, and 37 weeks.  Yes there are complications for a personal blood disorder, but you shouldn't have any problems if you are not high risk.  Our sons were considered full term and are now healthy.  Another method to start the labor process is to walk.  Will your doctor induce labor early?  The baby would be fine.  They can give you a shot of pitocin to start labor, then break your water, and you'll have a baby!  

  3. There are many who have had their babies at 37 weeks without complications, but there are also many who did get complications. Personally, I feel that there is less likelihood of the baby having complications if he/she "decided" to come out at 37 weeks; but that there is the possibility of complications if you induce it yourself.

    My first baby was induced at around that time (between 35-37 weeks) as her heartbeat was weak. She was underweight and jaundiced, but relatively healthy. Although her jaundice wasn't serious enough to warrant hospitalisation, she had to undergo a blood test every week for about two months.

    The best thing is to seek your doctor's advice. Towards the final weeks of my pregnancy, I found it extremely hard to "carry" my babies as well as I have a very small body frame. You might want to try out the maternity back and abdominal supports available, and it may help ease the pain.

  4. I am only 30 weeks, but 3 of my friends had their babies early. 2 of them at 37 weeks and 1 at 36 weeks. All babies were great and went home when the mom did after 2 days in the hospital.  

  5. You can try all you want, but that won't work unless the baby (and your body) decides it's time to come out.  There are people who are overdue who try that and it doesn't work.  It's not a guaranteed method.  

    My first son was born at 37 weeks, 3 days and is perfectly fine.  That said, it was his decision to come out then.  

    There are no home induction methods that will work unless your baby and your body are ready to go into labor anyway.

  6. I had mine at niece was born at 37.

    No complications with mine; my niece's mom wasn't dilating so she needed an emergency c section, other than that, everything was fine.

    U can try s*x..but that doesn't work for everyone.

    If u are having issues, contact your doctor.

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