
Did anyone have their tubes tied as soon as you had the baby?

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This is our last child & I desperately don't want to go back on birth control. Just wanted to see if I should do it immediately or wait a few weeks. I plan on discussing this in length on my next dr. appt., but wanted to get some advise from women who had actually had this done. Thanks.




  1. My mom got hers tied right after

  2. My mother had hers done after she had my sister. She said it was the best option she had after having three kids, and not wanting to go on birth control. She really couldn't tell the pain apart from the pain she was dealing with already, and healed about the same time.

  3. I had mine tied 2 weeks after my twins were born.

  4. I had mine tied 6 weeks after- my daughter was premature so they wanted to make sure she was ok before tying my tubes. I was 24 at the time. Not even major surgery- I was back at home 5 hours later and taking care of her that night. Just some cramping that is the same as a period or after giving birth.

  5. My cousin had a c-section...and had the tubes cut while they were there.  I am 27 weeks with #2, and have been researching the same thing.  I am having another vaginal birth, but what I read was that right after birth, they can do it quite quickly then also.

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