
Did anyone hear Pres. Bush thank the governor of the American Red Cross on tv?Didn't know Red Cross had a gov?

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Did anyone hear Pres. Bush thank the governor of the American Red Cross on tv?Didn't know Red Cross had a gov?




  1. Ahh yes the Gotcha game. A lot can get accomplished when the American people turn to think tanks that have people like you in it!

  2. "...thank the Governor and the Red Cross..."

    AND, not OF.

    Get your facts straight, or at least clean the wax out of your ears.  Q-Tips are your friends!

  3. Before I zap you it was the governor and the red cross. Please stupidity like yours should not be advertised

  4. Maybe Alfred E Neuman's brother, thought and meant...the Manager or director or who knows what the "Village Idiot" was thinking.

    He'll be gone soon.

  5. Jimmie crickets.  You have had almost 8 years if this.  Isn't it enough already?

    The man is not a moron.  And you should thank him for his service.  Or maybe YOU could be president?

  6. He thanked Gov. Jindal AND the Red Cross.

  7. fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

    Ok then, I am the governor of my fantasy football league.

  8. A governor is one who governs.  It does not have to be a title of one in goverment.

    govern:   to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of b: to exert a determining or guiding influence in or over

  9. jeez...leave Bush alone...I agree you should be thanking him!!  

  10. Now you has lots of governors...

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