
Did anyone hear about the deaths at Canda's Wonderland on the Behemoth? Or was it covered up completely?

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Apparently one of the carts on the new ride at Wonderland, the Behemoth, came loose, and a 12 year old boy and his parents were killed.

The only reason I know about it was because my friend was waiting in line when it happened. From what I've heard, it was hidden from the media.




  1. If it happened, it would most likely be posted on .  I haven't seen anything on there (or elsewhere) about it, I doubt it happened.

  2. Never happened. Your friend is lieing, more than likely looking for attention. Its a brand new coaster, and the trains wont come loose. The only time that any coaster has 'come loose' was in Japan last summer when an axle broke. The media would be all over it, not only the local and national media, but the media that I look at daily such as Themeparkreview. You can't hide something that big. The ride was down for awhile from what I heard, but that was for technical issues

  3. I doubt the validity of your friends report.  I checked and, as well as and none of these three top amusement park news reporting sites have any info on this.  Trust me, if it really happened, the media would be all over the park.  There would be no way to hide the accident if it happened.  And since it's not being guess is, it never happened.

  4. nobody died- your friend is lying- all the rides at wonderland are super safe! (Behemoth is a great ride though!)

  5. i do no think that it happened at all.

    non of the trains of 1985 roller coasters fell out, therefore i would not believe it.

    but i would not call your friend a liar, either! ;)

  6. LOL dude did u here about that dropzone at six flags where this kid got his/her legs cut off cuz the wire on that drop zone was cut?  well that kid didnt die and they closed like soooo many rides in north america and south america just because of that...and u think that they would hide some peoples death on BEHEMOTH and not close any ride at all???

    My point is that ur frend is just trying to scare u or something...

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