
Did anyone hear bill oreilly the other day say about kids taking nude pictures of themselves and putting it on

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internet that qoute its not like these kids are from the inner city or something unqoute now what does he mean by inner city kids are that only inner city kids do this kind of stuff or what that rich kids dont do this kind of stuff or what somebody please explain to me that if you could




  1. Interesting that you pointed this out as I, too, was amazed or actually outraged that he could get away with making such a demeaning comment.  Basically, he made the statement that innercity children have no morals; therefore, it would not be hard to imagine them taking nude pictures.  On the other hand, children from the suburbs or more affluent areas should know better.  What he said was WRONG in so many ways!!  I swear, if I didn't know so many people who blindly follow this man, I wouldn't give what he said a second thought.  However, MANY people believe what he says, no matter how outrageous.  It's sad and he needs to be held accountable for these kinds of comments.

  2. No , tell more about this

  3. I am sure that Bill O gets paid a great salary to be as outrageous as possible. I don't often watch his program. He is one of those people who have a black and white view of the world, at least on television. The rich palate of colors which really is part of any intelligent conversation in regard to subtle thought never stopped Bill. No as far he is concerned its either right or wrong according to his point of view. Now that I have down rapped the guy I would like to say that I do like the segment he does with a body language expert.

  4. On the face of it, it's hyperbole.

    "Kids" means what? 3 year olds? 17 year olds? BIG difference.

    "Nude pictures of themselves" means what? Bare buns? Explicit s*x? Without clarification it means diddly squat.

    "Its not like these kids are from the inner city or something" - to my mind, this means "it's Middle Class Middle Americans who are doing this!" (rather than poor people).

  5. Bill O'reilly is an Idiot. His main purpose in life is to say the most outrageous things to get a rise out of Democrats.  I do not or will not watch any news or talk shows on the Fox  channel. The Fox channel is owned by Murdock who is a well known anti Democrat. He is also O'reilly's boss.

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