
Did anyone hear that explosion in toronto?

by  |  earlier

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I do not mead heard of it. I mean di anyone hear it with there own ears? It was super loud!




  1. no, I live on the other side of Toronto.  

  2. no, i didnt, i live downtown though, so i was pretty far away from it.  i was still awake when it happened too.. would of just gotten home from work.

    friend lives near it, and didnt hear it either.

  3. I didn't hear it and I live like 10 minutes from the explosion site...I'm just a heavy sleeper, because my friend said she heard it and she lives 2 streets away from me. Oh well, it was a stupid idea having a factory like that close to so many people...

  4. Very loud and a bright light....then lots of loud bangs...

  5. from maine, nope.


    i'm going there like next week, hope it  don't happen again, lol.

  6. Yes I heard it.

    I almost had a heart attack.

    I thought someone was breaking into my house lol.

    And I don't live THAT close to the explosion either so it was weird.

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