
Did anyone hear the idiotic remarks made by Rush Limbuagh?

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He repeatedly said that Obama and the democrats are invested in the defeat of America.(meaning to end the Iraq war)Why don't they take this buffoon off the air already?




  1. He is a political satirist, there are people on what I presume is your side who say parallel political platitutes.  Ask the family members of 9/11 if they feel their beloved where little Eichmens(sic).  The reason they do not take him off the air is because he is the most sucessful political talk show host of all time, you can't argue with that(my spelling maybe), don't listen if you don't approve.  Additionally a retreat from Iraq would be seen as a defeat by the American people as well as the rest of the world.  I have not been there since 2004 but I would not wish the memories  of my fallen comrades to have been in vain.  We are likely at a tipping point there; the people want to live in a free democracy that will be an advantage to both the US and Iraq.  Rush is over the top, and he means to be.  The remarks are not idiotic, but rhetorical, as in a question.... Have you ever talked to a Kurd or Shitte?  Iraq was not so great before the US, its not so great now, but gosh you might have been for pulling out of the US when we got here.  When is revolution okay, in our case?  When is occupation okay in our case?  So should we pull out of the country?  We have occupied this Native American land way too long.  More to the point Rush's point was that the dems have/had a vested political interest in things going as bad as possible in Iraq.  But I know I'm wasting my time here

  2. Guys I think it is obvious what we have to do.

    Lets stay in Iraq till Terrorism is defeated!

    How long do you think it will take to break their spirit

    The people who suicide themselves just to kill others?

    As long as it means a victory for the United States what does a thousand or so lives matter!!

    Sorry, I love my country, and the people in it.

    That is why, I want our troops home

    Dems didnt bail on the troops, in fact Jime Webb pushed for better equipment for troops.

    We are trying to bring them home

    So we lost?  What is the big deal?

    Are we so egotistically lost that we need to win at everything?

    I believe this is what they called a sore loser?

    Dont we teach our children that winning isnt everything?

    So if you believe that it is worth us winning

    I want you to tell your children to win at no matter what the cost

    If they are in a struggle, bleed till you win

    STRUGGLE and keep hurting yourself till you win

    Cheat your way through as long as you win

    Because winning is everything isnt it?

  3. I agree with rush. so no they shouldnt take him of th air beause he tells the facts.

  4. we can be bambarded by main stream media as a single source of political information? If we got rid of every person with idiotic remarks their would be no one left.  

  5. Because he's right. Socialist's are destroying our country. And it's common knowledge that the democratic party is full of socialists.

  6. Obama has refused to admit that the troop surge had severely dropped the amount of casuaulties during the war. From the start he called the war a failure.

  7. Rush is a fat lying drug addict who will say anything his sponsors tell him to say.  He pulls stuff out of his butt and pretends they are facts.  He is spouts hateful nonsense which some of the right wing take to heart and repeat as if gospel truth.  His divisiveness is treasonous and should not go unanswered.  

    If we want to talk about investing in the defeat of America, let's talk about Bush driving the American dollar, American name, American economy into the dirt.  Let's talk about how much money Bush and his cronies are making off the no bid contracts and missing funds in Iraq.  Let's talk about the record profits of the oil companies and other energy corporations who held secret meetings at the beginning of the Bush junta's reign.  Let's talk about torture and wiretapping, lies and rendition.  High crimes and treason that Rush ignores.

  8. He has been right on many issues, and I believe taking him off the air would be a violation of free speech, is that what libs stand for?  Censorship?

      See in a free society where the economy is based on free choice and capitalism, business puts out a product for one reason, it makes them a profit.  Rush is profitable, unlike liberal talk show hosts, that is why he is on the air.

  9. If Barrack Hussein Obama is elected he plans on taking our guns and banning right wing talk radio he also will cut the military [ like Pres. James Earl Carter ] did and hand the world to the commies. I listen to Rush maybe 3 to 8 hours a year i like other talk shows, however if you don't like Rush turn him off

  10. I have got more important things to do than listen to conservative entertainers.

  11. I'm not a Rush fan.  I think he's weird and he's said some stupid things.  But he's right about this.  Democrats put our troops into that war and then bailed on them when it got difficult and unpopular and needed something to criticize Republicans with to get votes, and they encouraged dissent against the mission of our *own troops*.  That's unAmerican.  That's unforgivable.

  12. if you're 18 and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're 40 and not a conservative, you don't have a brain

  13. i don't listen to him because i don't agree with him anymore

    why are you

    the more i disagree the more ill fight for the right for them to speak

  14. because he is right

  15. Non, no leave him where he is.

    I can think of no better way to discredit the righteous right than to have this wing-nut as their spokesman.

  16. I thought liberals supported free speech.

  17. He's just more bluster for the right wing.  We were defeated the moment we allowed Bush to start that war.  

    I think that we now have a chance to do the right thing.  Iraq's government is asking us to leave.  It's time to honor their request.  Leaving at their request would definitely NOT be a defeat.

  18. Rush Limbaugh is a ranting nut-job, along with that quack Bill O'rielly, Pay them of no mind. They're neo-conservatives that are angry because everyone is tired of their lies, and is supporting Barack.  

  19. Go hug a rainbow liberal....

  20. I think he is right.  I don't like Obama.  I think everything he says is a lie.  But I am noot going to get into that.  

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