
Did anyone here see the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, if so how do you rate it ?

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I saw some of the Republican National Convention on CSPAN last night. It was not really all that exciting. But it was OK. I think that

John McCain's wife speech was a fallacy. Honestly all jokes aside.

I truly believe that she is very uncomfortable in the spotlight. AND is

being used as a political pawn, nothing less nothing more. But anyway, the RNC is in trouble. There is just not that much left

anymore of this. I don't know. I am just not feeling it. Did you see

the Convention, if so how did you rate it ?




  1. Behind the scenes at the Repub convention:

  2. Since the convention will, most likely, be going on all week, I think it is too early to rate it.  Anything  can happen, and with time, I think Mrs. McCain will be more comfortable speaking in public.  Political ploy?  She is a woman that believes in her husband.  

  3. alot like mcnuts entire campaign crash and burn lol  go obama!


  5. honestly, it looks like a high school bake sale.

  6. Keep watching.  It's not over.

  7. I think it's fair to say that Cindy McCain is not nearly as compelling or "relatable" as Michelle Obama.

  8. The Republicans sacrificed the first day because of the hurricane and they also donated $5,000.00 to every relief group down there!

  9. The RNC convention was postponed due to Gustav - it continues tonight thru Thursday.  

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