
Did anyone here see the well spoken Harvard student that happens to be black on Fox & Friends today?

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He says Obama speaks well but the message is the same as most DEMS....nothing new here...

OH how I wish more African Americans were like this very well spoken young man and sees Obama for what he is ...A good speaker with little to no substance. What say you?




  1. I saw it. I agree.

  2. First of all, I'm an Afro-Am, bilingual, female Master's Degree student.  And there are PLENTY of us out there.  So how dare you say you wish more Afro Am's were like this?! Whenever Blacks do anything, we end up representing the whole race.  What about Whites and their continuous s***w-ups throughout history? The drunkeness and debauchery I see every day? The hypocrisy and sneakiness? Not all Black voters are voting for Obama bec he is black...just like not all White voters are voting for White candidates simply because of his race. Some are, but many are not.  You are only going by what you see in the media, you moron. There are PLENTY of Black Americans who are well spoken, but the press, and the White audience that it pleases, don't wanna see that.  So all that gets reported are the negative images.  History shows how non-Black Americans have screwed up so much more. I am so OFFENDED by that stupid, ignorant question.  I'm also saddened by it.  It really shows how antiquated and closed-minded people's thought processes still are.  You need to get out more.

  3. Who watches Fixed News aside from Zombie extras from the set of MJ's 'Thriller'?  I guess you were marveled at the fact that he was African-American and well spoken?  Says a lot about you Fixed Noise watchers.  Oh now I get it, because one African-American male disagrees with Barack and he's also African-American, we should all disagree with Barack, right?  

  4. OMFG!!!

    "well spoken"??

    Obviously, you didn't say that because he's a Harvard student.

    You felt the need to put that there because he "happens to be black".

    You just don't get it, do you?

  5. Black and Women Republicans are realists, but seen as traitors,

  6. That's my biggest problem with Odumber.  He is going to s***w it up for blacks for a few more generations.  There are so many other good choices that could have been made.  But leave it to the DNC to throw their support against a non experienced racist with criminal and terrorist ties.  

  7. No, I'm not voting for Barack Obama JUST because he is black; plus an Excellent Speaker. I'm voting for him because he is the best candidate -- who just happens to be black.

  8. You mean you wish more would vote for mccain be for real

    as long as people do what you want they are right

    mccain has not said one thing that I found appealing

    And don't try the you like obama for welfare and health care

    I could care less about social programs because I *gasp*

    work for a living  

  9. I do agree with you and he was absolutely right. There are many educated black Americans. It's just that the liberal media only shows the worse in every situation. There are many blacks that are voting for McCain. Of course the majority will vote for Obama mostly because he is black. Those are the people that tell us that we are the racists simply because we aren't voting for Obama. I have faith that enough people will see Obama for who he really is and vote for the best choice for President, John S. McCain.

    God Bless America!

    God Bless Our Troops!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  10. Yeah, I saw him.  Don't see your point, though.

  11. No, but it is apparent you wish only that more people have your feelings and political opinions

  12. I suppose Black republicans are McCain's trump card , huh? To tell the honest truth, i'm Black, and i kind of hope McCain gets elected; just to see the country get screwed over because of the very real possibility that he is simply another Bush. An Obama administration won't really alter the status of a lot of Blacks in this country, the fact that he's even gotten as far as he has is a testament to what America already is, not what it will become. So as far as the glass ceiling of racism goes, this is about as good as it gets; so i think the country should be spared the dilemna of electing someone who has a 90% chance of getting assassinated

  13. LOL who the h**l watches "Fox and Friends?"

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