
Did anyone just feel an earthquake in Southern California?

by  |  earlier

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Lol, it wasn't big or anything. But last year it was the same thing. Last year it was about 10:30 am and I was on my computer. For a few seconds, my whole computer table shook. This time I was sleeping, and my mom was like screaming. And I heard the apartment shaking. I was pretending like I didn't feel anything because she's like in her "crazy" time.




  1. I DID!!

    it was a 5.6

  2. omg yes. i was freaking out b/c i thought it was going to be the "big" one they were talking about. stuff was flying off the walls and shelves at my house. luckily im okay :)

  3. who didn't?  wut city was the epicenter....... to answer ur question ya i did.

  4. Meee!! Haha, it was scar...and long. Our house made cracking sounds so we ran outside.

    I have 'crazy' times. Theyre fun.

  5. yes, and it was SO was my first one since I have lived in california...AHHHHH

  6. Yeah, you and about 20 others who have put up the question.

  7. LOL, "crazy time". We had a lot of shaking here, top of the cajon pass. It seemed as though it kept dragging on. Turns out, because of the depth, it was widely felt. Reports here estimated a 30 second shaking. To me, that seems about right. In the end, it was a 5.4 earthquake centered in the chino hills.

  8. I thought that was my fatso neighbour sitting down on his couch again.

  9. I sure did! I was in class and the teacher was like "hold on everyone." This lady started panicking and a couple of students had to take her outside....she ended up leaving early because she could not control herself.

    Now the news is making a big deal over it.

  10. No, but I live in Oregon, so probably wouldn't feel one in Southern Cal.

  11. yeah. just had it a few minutes ago.. It was mild but it made me go out from my apartment.

  12. I didnt feel anything

  13. Hahahaha


    5.8 centered near chino hills man

    pretty sweet ^^

  14. Wow man this one was LONG.

  15. no i'm in northern california

    and i heard it on radio

    it's was 5.9 i heard

  16. yes, i feel it. Be prepare if it comes again

  17. haha...this is a bit late but yea. i was in my SAT prep class. it was actually my first time for an earthquake. surprisingly, i was calm about it. but for an earthquake it was pretty long.

  18. I actually thought it was big it lasted for a lil while! I felt it though

  19. h**l yea sooo glad i left l.a early cause i still felt it in cali.

  20. YesYes~

    I am in the Inland Empire right now. My husband and I both felt it. I could hear it rolling in and then it shook for about 10 seconds. My husband is in a tall building at work nearby and he said it shook longer and his cell phone isn't working.

    I jumped up and grabbed my 3 year old son..he said what are you doing...and it was over. My 6 year old daughter didn't even get unglued from the TV. I don't think she even noticed it.

  21. No, I did not feel it, but it's all on the News.  Apparently 5.8.   I've heard that California is overdue for a "big one".

  22. YES FREAKIN YES I JUST FELT AN EARTHQUAKE. DUDE!!!!!!! i'm over near LAX so apparently the earthquake was 50 miles from me so it must have been so freakin giant there. turn on the news!!!!

  23. Yes, I did. Here we go again.  I hope not!

  24. I did!

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