
Did anyone just see Lawrence Timmons step on Ricky Williams to prevent him from recovering that fumble????

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Did anyone just see Lawrence Timmons step on Ricky Williams to prevent him from recovering that fumble????




  1. Williams is a low life, if he hadn't gotten injured, he would have failed his first drug test.

  2. Yup, I saw it.  Good stuff, I laughed.

  3. Yes

  4. When a ball is on the ground it's all good.  It's like the first few minutes after the doors open at a clearout sale at some chic shop.  Ever seen those women go at each other?  Man that is some kind of ugly.  And entertaining if you can find a spot to watch it from

  5. I didn't see it but just about anything is legal when there is a fumble.  Normal rules of holding etc. generally don't apply when theres a fumble on the ground.

  6. yes sir reeeeeeee!!! and do you blame him?

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