
Did anyone know that in yugioh dark armed dragons being limeted to one in augest?

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Did anyone know that in yugioh dark armed dragons being limeted to one in augest?




  1. From what i heard on other websites they said it wont be limited you will be able to run three but not to sure u noe cause anyone can just change that and limit it but i dont think they will

    I run a DAD deck with thrre of them

    hope they dont limit it

  2. Yeah  thats great because i dont really have one Yipee!!!!!

  3. Uh-oh... it doesn't look good for my Dark Armed Dragon deck. I ran 3!

  4. With Dark Armed Dragon decks dropping in use because of gladiator beast decks, I don't expect DAD to be limited next format.

  5. i heard that and they might also bring pot of greed back (hopefully).

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